8) The Bank Robbery PT.1

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Pov Nancy

The clock read 01:03pm. I looked to the right where the entrance of the bank was to see if they had finished doing their job. I turned back to the stereo of the car where the clock was and it read 01:04pm. What was taking them so long? I knew I should have done this job by myself. While I waited for Robin and Steve to actually rob the bank I opened the glove box to see if Steve's car had any good tapes; Wham!, Bowie, Duran Duran, Ah perfect Madonna. I started humming along to Over and over.

After finishing four songs from Like a Virgin, I turned back to look at the clock and the time was 01:17pm. I was seriously getting worried now and wished we had followed through with Robin's idea of having a walkie talkie because then I could ask their slow asses to hurry the fuck up. I turned around in the driver's seat to peer to the back seat where my shotgun was in case they needed back up and I debated going in to see what was taking them so long.

Ring. ring. Ring. I looked down to wear my cellphone was and saw the name Steve. I sighed before picking it up to answer.

"Yes Steve?" I asked without hiding my annoyance.

"Uh so like funny story... we were like stick your hands up, or atleast that is what Robin said anyways so everyone did and got on the ground and that is besides the point. We asked to go to the back or atleast Robin went back and uh haha this is the funny part... Robin didn't take the money." Steve awkwardly laughed.

"What do you mean Robin didn't take the money? What else would she have taken?" I questioned now becoming confused.

"Well apparently the bank has a cat problem and so there's a lot of random cats outside the back door and Robin apparently heard them meowing and said she wanted one of them and so instead of grabbing the money... she grabbed a cat" Steve sighed also sounding annoyed now.

"Oh my god. Just get some money and hurry up. We don't have all day Steve" I said before hanging up on him rolling my eyes at how dumb Robin was being right now. I switched the tape to Rio to change the vibe in the car while I waited for them to actually complete the plan.

Feeling like more time had passed I was about to check the clock when I heard a loud sound from the bank. I turned my head and Steve and Robin were running out as the door slammed behind them. I quickly started the car and unlocked the doors and they ran into the car or more so Steve getting in and Robin face planting to the ground before getting up and getting in.

"AHHHHH DRIVE THE POLICE ARE LIKE A BLOCK AWAY NANCE" Robin screamed as she tried to buckle her seatbelt. I laughed at her before hearing the sirens and becoming nervous for once. I started driving off in hopes the police didn't actually know this was the car that Robin and Steve got into after robbing the bank. I made it about three blocks before there were sirens behind me I turned in hopes they thought maybe it wasn't me. However, they all turned and I knew they knew it was us. I stepped on the gas and drove as fast as I could with Steve and Robin screaming as I turned corners nearly hitting several people or signs.

There was a draw bridge coming up and the noise that indicated that the bridge was coming up was going off. If I stopped we'd be caught, if I went for it there was a chance we all died. Shit. I thought. Just go for it Nance. I pushed further down on the gas pedal than I thought was possible and soon we were flying over the gap of the bridge.

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