4) Picnic date proposal

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A/N: I wrote this in my history class because I had this idea. Robin and Nancy on a picnic date? Yes please! So here that is, it is super gay :).

Pov Robin

Me and Nancy have been dating for three years now and it has been the best few years of my entire life. Today I had the perfect plan for our three year anniversary date, a picnic. We've gone on picnics before but this one was going to be different because I was going to propose to Nancy. I was nervous as hell and wasn't sure if I was actually going to go through with it. Get yourself together Buckley I told myself.

"What ya thinking so hard about Buckley" Steve asked laughing as he threw a crumpled piece of paper at my head. I rolled my eyes and threw it back at him.

"Nothing dingus" I said trying to keep my secret a secret as long as I could to avoid Steve asking me a million questions our entire shift. He eventually gave up and went back to work leaving me be alone with my thoughts which may also not be the smartest idea. Time went by really slowly all day as I waited for Nancy to pick me up because I still did not have my license. Though Nancy was on the route of teaching me but I don't think driving is for my clumsy self.

Finally we hit closing our and as the last customer left Steve switched the sign to close on the door and I sighed loudly, my anxiety finally seeping through causing me to feel super nauseous. The door opened signaled by a bell and I spun around in my chair to tell whoever it was to leave.

"The store is actually clos- oh Nance hi" I smiled as I noticed it was my super hot girlfriend. She giggled and I spun back round in my chair and she went to talk to Steve for a second. Eventually I felt hands on my shoulders and I smiled turning around to look Nancy in the eyes. She leaned down and kissed me.

"I missed you baby" Nancy said as she leaned down to give me another kiss. I smiled again and as we broke apart I stood up to give her a hug. I took a big breath through my noise taking in the scene of her perfume and smiled because it was my favorite scent ever. I sighed feeling content forgetting that just in a few hours I would ask Nancy to marry me.

"I love you, let's go before we feel too exhausted" I laughed remembering how some times we'll plan dates but be too tired to go.

"Bye Steve, see you later! Tell Eddie hi for us" Nancy said taking my hand and together we walked out to her car I rushed to open her door for her even though she was driving.

"Hey silly I was going to get your door, you are my passenger" Nancy laughed as I ushered her to sit in the car so I could shut the door. I ran to the passenger side of the car and got in and put in the cassette tape mix that Steve got me for my birthday a few years ago.

"Okay next left turn make a left and then turn right after the second turn and we'll be at our destination" I directed Nancy to the date location I picked for our picnic.

After we arrived we set our picnic blanket up and set out the picnic basket and had our picnic. Eventually the sun started to set and my hands got all clammy as I worked up the courage to finally propose to Nancy.

"Hey what's wrong?" Nancy asked taking in the fact I definitely looked very anxious. This is it, the moment.

"Nothing I just really love you Nancy Wheeler" I spoke smiling at her and she laughed because I used her whole name.

"I really love you too Robin Buckley" Nancy kissed me and I smiled into it and we broke apart and stared in each others eyes for a minute. Now.

"Hey Nance look at the sunset" I said pointing in the direction of the sun. Nancy having no idea what I was about to do turned to look in the direction of the sun. I got down on one knee and went to pull out the ring but it wasn't in my pocket. Shit.

"Hey why aren't you looki- oh Robin" Nancy laughed as she turned around to see me frantically searching my pockets on one knee. "Let me guess you were going to propose but lost the ring"

"Yeah but it was just here and you weren't supposed to turn around yet, this is failing miserably." I cried feeling like an absolute failure. How was Nancy going to say yes to me if I couldn't even propose properly?

"babe back right pocket." Nancy smirked and I reached round to my back right pocket and low and behold the ring box was there. "I'll turn back around" I smiled at how caring Nancy was and how understanding she was when things never went to plan. Nancy eventually turned back to face me this time I was holding out the ring on one knee and she gasped.

"Nancy Wheeler you are someone I never would have thought would ever love me back but you do, you love me back and I love you so goddamn much. You have made me the happiest person the past few years and I may be just working right now while you are doing important things but you don't care you love me for me and I could never thank you enough for that. You are so freaking perfect. Will you make me really happy and marry me?" I breathed out afraid maybe she would say no.

"Yes. Yes! YES! I love you so much Robbie of course I'll marry you." Nancy said pulling me to my feet and bringing me into a really deep kiss.

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