16) Scream

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WARNING: gore is in this chapter, not a lot but some. Please do not read it if you don't like that.


"Nancy when are we planning on doing...you know" Robin asked and glanced around to make sure no one was listening in on their conversation. Nancy rolled her eyes at Robin before laughing and leaning in to kiss Robin on the cheek which made her face go red.

"Tonight silly, it's Halloween" Nance laughed and Robin smiled at the thought of how well planned out Nancy had thought of tonight "But for now we go to class and I'll see you later" Robin gave Nance a quick hug before watching her walk in the direction of her chemistry class and then she sighed before heading to math. She really wished Nance would just let her kill her professor.

Later that night

The phone rang at Vickie's house and she sighed before looking at her boyfriend. "Are you gonna get that?" she asked and he just rolled his eyes. "I'll take that as a no," she said under her breath before getting off the couch to answer the phone. Vickie passed the clock and read it real fast to see who would be calling so late, it was ten p.m. By the time Vickie made it to the kitchen the phone had stopped ringing and she shrugged before turning around to go back to the couch.

However, the phone rang again and she picked it up on the second ring. The line was silent for a few seconds and Vickie debated just hanging up before she heard breathing. "Hello?? Hello? Is anyone there?" Vickie asked before being met with more deep breathing. Annoyed by this she hung up the phone and was about to once again head back to the couch but the phone rang again. Picking it up annoyed she said "What?" before being met with another deep sigh but there was a response this time, "What's your favorite scary movie". Vickie was taken aback by this question, thinking it would have been literally anything else.

"I'm sorry what" Vickie asked unsure if she had actually heard correctly. "What is your favorite scary movie?" the person asked again and Vickie took a second to respond, "Probably the" She was cut off by the person on the phone, "Mine is The Shinning, a horror classic if you ask me but you know what else is good? Wait don't answer I'll just tell you, Halloween. I mean Micheal Myers am I right?? Horror movie killer classic" the person on the phone goes on and on before Vickie can get a word out.

"Can I help you?" Vickie asks, trying to hang up the phone politely before going back to her boyfriend. "Yeah, actually you can. Tell me your favorite scary movie" the person said and Vickie sighed. "Probably also Halloween, it is a classic as you said '' and the person laughed which made Vickie jump. "Hey you want to know something" the person asked and Vickie was a little creeped out. "Uh sure" she replied. "Your boyfriend sucks," the person said, "he's literally so lame, didn't want to get up to answer the phone. I mean he could be a gentleman" Vickie was more creeped out now than before, how did they know Vickie's boyfriend didn't want to get the phone?

"Uh I'm hanging up now, nice chatting," Vickie said slowly before being cut off again "WAIT NO DONT HANG UP THATS NOT APART OF THE PLAN" Vickie had to hold the phone in front of her because of how loud the person was screaming. "Okay okay I won't hang up," Vickie said going to sit down on the kitchen counter, "What's the plan then" Vickie asked before hearing a sick laugh come from the phone. "Your boyfriend gets gutted" Vickie never hung up the phone so fast in her life before when she heard that. She slowly jumped off the counter and walked back to the living room to see her boyfriend still on the couch and as she was about to take a breath of relief the phone rang again.

She picked it up despite thinking maybe she shouldn't. "Did no one tell you it was rude to hang up on someone?" the person said and Vickie felt her heart stop, "I mean I was just getting to the good part. It's Halloween have any trick-or-treaters yet?" they asked and Vickie thought about how she hadn't, which was weird. Usually, this neighborhood has tons of people coming by. "I haven't actually" she replied but a second later the doorbell rang. "Vickie, can you get that?" she heard her boyfriend call from the living room. "See he still can't get off his ass, he really should be gutted," the person said and Vickie hung up again becoming annoyed with the prank call. She walked over to the door with a bowl of candy before opening it to someone dressed in a weird costume that had a black robe and white mask that had a mouth open. "Trick or treat," the person at the door said. "Nice costume" Vickie responded before handing the person candy and shutting the door. A second later the doorbell rang again and Vickie opened it to what appeared to be the same person. "Trick or treat, '' the person said again. "Uh, weren't you just here?" Vickie asked and all she got was another trick or treat as a response. Vickie told the person to go away before slamming the door. Then the phone rang again.

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