13) The girl in the coffee shop

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Pov Nancy

It was a Friday afternoon and the week had felt extraordinarily long compared to the last. Currently I sat at a coffee shop with hopes to finish writing my journalism essay but it was taking what brain cells I had left. I sighed and took a sip of my coffee before sweeping my hair behind my ears and getting to work.

An hour had passed and I had only managed to write about three sentences. I looked up to see if the same people were still sitting here from when I arrived. To my right was an older woman who looked like she had six cats at home, she was practically covered in cat hair. To my left was a younger man and woman, they could potentially be together but from the way she rolled her eyes and glared at him siblings was the more likely answer. The bell above the door jingled as someone opened the coffee shop door. I was hoping the man behind me was leaving because he smelt like bad cigarettes. However, it was someone walking in, someone who vaguely looked familiar to me.

She has short light brown hair and was wearing a pair of red converse that had pen drawings all over them. Interesting choice of style for shoes but I wasn't one to judge. She looked like she was a little bit taller than me but it was possible it was just her shoes. I don't know why but I got a strange urge to just go up and kiss her. I think she must have realized I was staring because the next second she whipped her head to look at me and I almost fell out of my chair.

I composed myself, took a deep breath, counted to ten, then went back to work on my essay. I tried to focus, I even managed to write a whole paragraph, but then the thought of the mysterious girl who I couldn't quite place where I knew her from came back into my mind and I stopped writing mid sentence.

"Hey" someone behind me said casually but it scared the shit out of me causing me to jump and almost fall out of my chair for the second time in the past hour. "No need to fall for me that hard"

"I wouldn't" I spoke feeling confident before I turned around and there she was. Now having been dealt the problem of being face to face with this extremely pretty girl I had lost my last brain cell.

"Nancy, right?" she asked and I just stared, not a thought in my brain. "I hope it is Nancy because when I had asked Steve if you were going to be here today he had said yes and when I stopped by, oh say like three hours ago you weren't here and I was beginning to lose faith in him." I just continued to stare at her but was now pondering how she knew Steve. "However, you were here the second time I showed up and dare I say you look absolutely adorable in that sweater of yours and yes I know I'm rambling but to be fair you are just staring at me and so I must make the best of the opportunity to speak"

"Yes Nancy. I mean your Nancy. Wait I mean I'm Nancy, yes my name is Nancy you got it right, Steve was right, uh hi" I stuttered out at a complete loss how to make myself look like less of a fool. I mentally scolded myself for being a complete idiot because I still couldn't place her name.

"Can I sit?" she asked and I nodded and she brushed her hand over my arm as she walked past and took a seat in front of me. "Steve said you were in journalism and that piqued my interest at first because that's super cool, I'm studying languages though-" she kept going and I had tuned her out because I was too focused on her lips. They looked soft, and I could tell she had recently applied some kind of chapstick as her lips had a slight glossy look to them. "-then I left the video store and came here to-" the video store, oh my god. Robin. It was Robin Buckley.

"Robin" I say and she stops talking immediately. I regret saying her name because now what. A few seconds of silence went by before the ding of the coffee shop door broke the both of us out of our staring match.

"I like you Nancy" she said pausing to probably see my reaction, "you're a very interesting person, not to mention how beautiful you are" I could feel myself blushing which must've caused her to grin wider.

"Want to get out of here?" I questioned hesitantly before she nodded and helped me back my belongings up, my journalism essay long forgotten. We had made it outside the coffee shop before she turned and held out her hand which I grabbed instantly and smiled.

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