7) How you get the girl

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A/N: this is a section of another fanfic I am working on, I just wanna know if people like it so if you read this and like it comment and let me know. If you don't like it comment and let me know

Pov Robin

"STEVE SLOW DOWN" I screamed as I held onto literally anything as Steve took turns at a crazy speed. I glanced over at the speedometer thingy and "HOLY SHIT STEVE SLOW DOWN" but he wouldn't slow down. I felt like I was going to be sick. Suddenly I was thrown forward as the car came to a screeching halt.

"ROBIN" Steve screamed and I slowly moved back into a proper sitting position. Silence passed for what felt like ages before I slowly turned my head to look at him.

"Steve." I gritted out.

"Yes Robin?" Steve asked shaking slightly.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR" I screamed into his face and unbuckled my seatbelt. I tried to unbuckle my seatbelt. The button wouldn't work and so I resorted to trying to yank the buckle out. The seatbelt began to rub against my neck and I felt trapped, I needed out of the car and now.

"R-Robin I think if you just hold on for a-" Steve started but I whipped my head in his direction and he stopped speaking. Eventually I got the buckle undone and threw the car door open and jumped out. I took a deep breath and then turned slightly and slammed the door.

"Good riddance Steve" I said as I walked towards our place of employment. I tried pushing on the door but it wouldn't budge. I took a couple steps back before shoulder checking the door "OW"

"Robin. It says pull" Steve said making his way towards the door. I glanced down at the door handle. Pull. OH right. I pulled the door handle and it didn't open. I tried to pull harder the second time and still nothing. The sound of keys stopped my efforts. "Robin. Keys."

"I knew that" I said rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Sure you did" Steve laughed as he turned the key in the door and pulled it open. I sighed, it was gonna be a long day.

Half way through our shift me and Steve had gotten hungry, which is not a surprise, Steve said he would call and get food delivered here. I didn't believe he was capable of getting that done but I trusted he would try his best. I continued to stock the shelves with various different films, some very trashy ones if I do say so myself. I got lost inside my head, as I often do, and didn't notice the bell ringing, meaning someone entered the store, and so when hands were suddenly on my shoulders I turned around and swung. The person who had put their hands on my shoulders was fast and they dodged my attack.

"Well that's one way to greet me" I looked up and I gasped, Nancy.

"Well excuse me for assuming I was being attacked, can't be safe anywhere anymore" I spoke becoming gradually nervous as the time went by. Nancy Wheeler was standing in front of me and she was smiling?

"I came to bring you and Steve food. He said you two were quote starving and wouldn't make it one more minute before dying of starvation" Nancy laughed and I rolled my eyes at Steve's dramatics. I walked with Nancy up to the desk where Steve was eating the burger Nancy brought him.

"Damn Steve slow down" I said laughing at his face as he turned around cheeks full of food as he let out a cheeky smile.

"I best be off, enjoy your food weirdos" Nancy said and started to make her way out the store.

"NANCY" I screamed suddenly. She turned around fast and looked at me "Uh uhm uh"

"Well did you scream my name for a reason Buckley or are you just going to stare at me?" she asked and I closed my mouth and sighed.

"Bye Nance, it was good to see you" I said nervously. Damnit Buckley, you're so stupid.

"Bye you weirdo" Nancy said smiling and made her way out the store. I continued to stare at her as she got in her car and drove off.

"Damn Robs, you are so smitten for her" Steve said and I turned and rolled my eyes at him.

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