caught; tate langdon

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caught: smut/kinda
warnings: fondling, risky sex
song: fuck u betta by mister chase

"Tate, we can't." My voice was weak as he kissed down my skin. Secretly I liked the feeling of his lips pressing against me, it gave me this electric shock feeling everything they made contact with. He looked up at me with needy eyes.

"Come on, he won't hear us." He reassured me, my father who had forbidden me from ever talking to Tate again was sitting only a few steps away in the living room.

I whimpered as his hands snaked their way up my shirt, and he fondled my breast beneath my layer of clothing. He was a ghost so his hands against my bare skin felt like an ice cube pressed up against a burning pan. "Tate, your hands," I uttered.

"You're so fucking warm, I love it." A smile curved his lips as he gazed at me with the most priceless expression on his face. After that, I didn't complain as his hands trailed my body. Tate found enjoyment in squishing my breasts, he would play with them like they were stress balls.

His pelvis pressed up against me and through his clothing, I could feel his raging erection against my thigh. "Tate," I murmured. He pulled my shirt over my head with one swoop before answering, "having second thoughts?" He asked. I shook my head.

"I was going to ask if you could speed it up." A smug grin appeared on his lips. "Someone's acting all needy." He unbuttoned my jeans and one by one the buttons popped out. He was taking this unbelievably slow, for someone who is usually a wild animal in bed.

"You're beautiful." His smile made my heart flutter. Once the last button popped out he yanked the pants off of her. I yelped at the sudden unexpected motion. He slapped his hand over my mouth "keep it down." After he was sure that no more loud sounds would come out of me, his hand drifted away from my mouth.

"Sorry," I uttered. "Don't apologize." He leaned in and kissed me softly. The way his soft honey-tasting lips pressed up against mine warmed my heart. I had wished that this moment could last forever, but all good things eventually come to an end.

That was when I saw my father standing in the doorway. Shit. "Dad!" I streaked as I pulled the cover over my almost naked body. He didn't look too happy to see Tate in our house. His brow frowned as he stared at us with anger swirling in his eyes.

"It's not what it looks like, he was just helping me with-" "Save it." He told me in a harsh voice. I looked over in Tate's direction, he had a cheeky smile on his face like he didn't understand the dire situation we were in. "It's nice to see you again, Mr. (l/n)." He said normally like we weren't just caught in the middle of it.

He pointed at Tate with his index finger. "You, I want you out of my house this instant." He snapped. "If I see you near my daughter again I'll kill you." That would be kinda hard, considering he's already dead. Tate looked at me with a look that could only be described as a winner's face.

I bet a part of him was hoping that we would get caught so he could rub it in my dad's miserable face. Tate cupped my face in his hands and placed a small peck on my lips. He gave me his signature smile before he stood from the bed.

He moseyed out of the room with my father being his escort, making sure that this time he would leave the house for good. I caught one last glimpse of him before they vanished behind the corner.

✧ 𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃: evan peters imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now