naughty list; kit walker

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naughty list: smut
warnings: risky sex
song: jingle bells rock by bobby helms

Christmas, the one time of year around the asylum when the patient have free roam around the facility. You were in charge of preparing the feast for tonight's big meal. Of course, you weren't alone though, you had Kit and a few others helping you out with chopping and cooking the food.

As you were rolling the remainder of the dough you felt a pair of warm arms around your torso. A smile grew on your face as you turned around to be met with your lovely boyfriend Kit. "They're gone, we should have ten minutes before they check up on us." He whispers. Your eyes dart around the room to the other workers still slaving away.

"Maybe we could go somewhere more private?" You suggested. He nodded in agreement, you took ahold of his hand and dragged him behind you. Before turning any corner you made sure to peek your head out and make sure the coast was clear, god knows what they would do if they saw us sneaking around.

Not knowing where the two of you could go to have some alone time without someone interrupting, the two of you wandered around aimlessly. Christmas decorations flooded the hallways with lights and the occasional Christmas tree from time to time.

The nuns were very passionate about the Christmas spirit, we were forcefully stripped from our usual clothes and replaced them with the world's ugliest sweaters. As you could imagine they were itchy and uncomfortable to wear. Not knowing where we were any longer we pushed open a door to reveal a neat office setting.

There was a lit fire with stockings hanging from the banister. A desk with an assortment of candy canes and gum drops. And to top it all off a celebratory Christmas tree stood proudly in the corner of the room. "This secluded enough for ya?" He asked. You slammed the door shut and wrapped your arms around his neck.

Your lips grazed over one another, the kiss deepened with every second that passed. He held on to your waist which made you whimper into the kiss. He took this opportunity to slip his tongue in and soon enough your tongues were elegantly dancing with one another.

He backed you up as the two of you were engaged in the kiss. Your back hit what felt to be a desk. The make-out session soon ended and he gripped the outside of your thigh and lifted you onto the table. "You have no idea how long I've waited for this." He said in between heavy breaths for air.

The two of you hurried to remove your insufferable clothes both craving the touch of human contact. The desk was at a perfect height as he aligned his dick with your entrance. Kit looked at you, his eyes sparkling from the reflection of the Christmas lights. You laid back on the desk as you felt his erection sliding against your pussy.

You moan in anticipation for what was to come. He started slowly with only the tip, this was a once in a blue moon opportunity, and he didn't want to rush it. He slowly pushed in allowing the warmth to consume his dick. "Fuck, you're so tight." He uttered. He could feel your walls closing in tightly around his member.

"Relax, you're going to make me cum already." He ordered as he trusted the remainder of the way in. There was a wave of ecstasy that swept over him. Without hesitation, he pulled out and slammed back in. The sound of skin slapping filled the room along with the crackling fireplace.

"Kit!" You practically screamed his name as he rammed into you. The desk bounced constantly sending the bowl of candies flying all over the floor. The way he was relentlessly trusting into your g-spot without mercy. Loud moans flooded the room and you could feel yourself growing close.

"Right there! Don't stop!" You practically begged. He took one final thrust and you could feel a warm sensation. Kit ended up pulling out and releasing his load on your stomach. He almost collapsed on the floor with only the table holding his balance. "God I miss doing this." He murmured as he kissed your soft lips.

It felt like it had been an eternity since you two last did it. He kissed you deeply as he cupped your face in his hands. Once the kiss broke he grabbed some tissues from the box on the floor and cleaned your body of his mess. He helped you off the table, your legs feeling like jello as you stood.

You went to take a step but your legs just didn't want to work. Kit hurried and caught you before you have time to hit the ground. "Can you not walk?" He asked in a concerned tone. You shook your head from side to side. He helped to dress you back in your ugly sweater and jeans before he did the same.

"Sorry, I lost control it would have never happened if I-" "Kit." You stopped his nonsense talking. He looked at you anxiously. "If you enjoyed it that's all that mattered, don't worry about me all the time." You gave him a reassuring cheeky smile. Your rosy dimples lighting up.

He walked up to you and gave you a quick peck on the lips. "How was I so lucky to find someone like you in this hellhole?" His comment made your face light up. Your arms wrapped around him, embracing him in a warm comforting hug. "I will never love another woman as much as I love you."

✧ 𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃: evan peters imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now