(2) ideal date

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Tate Langdon: The date night would have to fall on Halloween, since it was the one time a year that he could venture outside of the murder house. He would take you to a special spot on a small hill and their you would watch the stars twinkle in the sky. He had hope you would fall romantically in love with him as you sat there taken back by the breathtaking sight.

James March: Date night would include a fancy supper prepared by only his top trusted hotel staff. To him everything had to be perfect, even the slightest imperfection would not do. As you sat across from each other he would playfully feed you and say how he adorable flushed expression was as he fed you some ruby red cherries.

Kai Anderson: Kai would take you on a picnic in the middle of a grassy meadow. He would enjoy every second of alone time he got with you. Occasionally, you would catch a glimpse of his deep brown eyes gazing at you. He would randomly go off about how much he adored you and how much you meant to him. Though sometimes he didn't know how to express it, he loved you dearly.

Kit Walker: Kit is all about being romantic, he would take you sight seeing. Where every you wanted to go he was fine with him so long as you were having a good time. His pleasure was seeing the joyful expression on your face as you grabbed his hand in intertwined your fingers. Excitingly, you pulled him along to make sure that he never left your side.

✧ 𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃: evan peters imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now