bite the bullet, baby; tate langdon

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bite the bullet baby; angst
warnings: school shooting, gore, angst
song: pump up kicks by foster the people

Everything was in complete chaos. Bang bang bang! Shot after shot was fired. Everyone was stampeding, trampling over all the notebooks and people who weren't so fortunate. Some barricaded themselves in classrooms and others lay dead on the floor. There was only one explanation for this unforeseen event, there was a shooter.

My heart rapidly beat as I found myself only feet away from a dying person. My hand covered my mouth to keep my afraid whimpers silent. I wasn't able to see who the shooter was but I knew I needed to get away as fast as I could, into a unbarricaded classroom or somewhere safe.

Another round of ammo fired, I slapped my hands over my ears, traumatized by the repeated shots fired. This wasn't a time for cowering in a corner, I told myself. I peeked around the corner in the direction that I heard the shots being fired. There in the middle of the hallways laid another body with bloody bullet holes leaking a crimson red liquid.

Oh my god, oh my god. Seeing the body till tossing and turning around. "Help! Please, someone!" The guy cried out before another bullet was fired to shut him up. You pressed your back firmly against the wall as the sound of distant footsteps got more clear.

If I stayed there any longer I wouldn't be alive much longer. So I did what any normal person would do and ran. I sprinted down the hall trying to find anywhere I could go. That's when my eyes landed on an open door. I ran in to see a bunch of confused people standing there like they didn't know what was going on.

"There- There's a shooter," I said in between rapid breaths for air. I hurried and shut the door. "Is that what the noises were?" A guy asked, he came over and assisted me with barricading the door. One after another the students helped. Everything was going as planned, we were going to make it out of there.

Bang! The door shook which rocked the barricade back and forth. He was outside. I motioned for everyone to run and we scattered around the library. Some hiding under tables, some behind bookshelves, basically anywhere we could seak shelter. It was only a madder of time before he burst through our weak barricade.

As I sat in silence listening to the repeating thuds from the door my blood suddenly ran cold. Tate my high school boyfriend was out there with the active gunman. He was a troubled guy but I didn't care, I loved him dearly. Just the thought of him bleeding on the ground was enough to shake me to my core.

It was third period and he left the classroom to grab a textbook from his locker so I knew he couldn't have returned in time. After the first bullet was fired and everyone froze in place I ran out. What a dumb idea one may think, but I did it for a good reason. I needed to protect him, I needed to be there with him.

I understood he wasn't a weak little kid, and yet I had this strong urge to protect him from harm, like a mother and her child. That was when I stumbled across the body. I was immediately repulsed by the sight of the injured man. And that's how I ended up running for my life down the deserted hallways of the once lively school.

Bang! The shot was close I peeked up from my hiding spot behind the librarian's desk to see that the handle to the door was blown completely off. My heart thumped as fast as a race car. I could feel this lump in my throat as I told myself that everything would be okay. Slowly I started to have second thoughts.

There wasn't enough time to build a secure barrier so it wasn't too hard for him to kick in the pile of random junk. I jumped at the sound of our tower coming crashing down. Gunshot after gunshot was fired I sat there, unable to do anything. My body was stiff as I listened to the pleas from my fellow students.

One of the guys attempted to stand up to him but was met with a loud bang. There was no hope, even if I did live, after this would I want to live? Traumatized for life by the screams of murdered students. It took every ounce of my being to peek around the desk. I needed to know who it was. My hands stood violently as my eyes looked around the ledge. What I could see raised my internal alarm instantly.

Feet. Right in front of me. Not even a yard away. The man in the black coat looked at me and I looked back at him. It was Tate, the murderer was nonother than the person you held so close. I could feel my heart breaking into a million smaller pieces. He approached me with the loaded shotgun in hand.

I didn't even try to run, I was already as good as dead. I shut my eyes tightly ready to leave my body with a single led bullet. I expected my brain to be blown out all over the wooden desk but instead of the painful feeling of a bullet hole, I was met with the feeling of his arms wrapping around me.

"Why?" I asked, needing an answer before I passed over to the afterlife. Why would he do this type of thing? This wasn't like him at all. Tate was a sweet soul, he wouldn't hurt a fly. I guess that shows how much I knew him. "I- I don't know." His voice was weak as he spoke quietly.

He pulled away slightly as he held the barrel of the gun to my heart. My eyes dilated as I stared at him with despair. "You were always good to me." Tears began to build up in his eyes as he spoke softly. "That is why you have to die." My breathing was shaken up as I accepted that I wasn't going to come out of this school alive.

I wonder how my parents would react to the news. Images flooded though my mind of my family balling their eyes out at the sight of my death. I'm sorry. "I love you- I will always love you, kill me if you must that won't change." I leaned forwards and pressed the gun up against my rapidly beating heart. My arms snaked around his neck, embracing him in a hug.

"I love you too." Were the last words he spoke to me. It was only a matter of time before I heard it. The sound that would stick with me through life and death. The loud ear-ringing noise of a shotgun at a point-like range. I could feel the blood leaking from my body as my vision blurred.

He held me tightly until I could no longer feel his embrace. My ears rang with this loud obnoxious buzzing noise. My life slipped away from me. My body grew limp and I was met with an endless void of blackness. Death was there to take me.

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