grand opening; james march

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grand opening; fluff
warnings: cuteness?
song: take a hint by elizabeth gillies

The time was late in the afternoon, today was the day that the grand opening of the hotel Cortez would be held. People from all over the world attended this ceremonial achievement on the behalf of James Patrick March. He stood in front of the crowd and talked about how proud he was of this hotel and how he hoped that it would stand for many years to come.

He was given a bottle of champagne, I watched in disbelief as he popped the cork off and allowed the white liquid to gush into the air like a geyser. The liquid splatted back down into the pristine velvet-patterned carpet. He managed to catch someone of it in his mouth before it had time to hit the ground.

Everyone clapped and chanted as his speech concluded. I stood amongst the crowd as they all went back to their small talk conversations. For a split second, I could see James' eyes focused sorely on me before some random stranger approached him with a conversation.

Parties and large gatherings weren't my strong suit, I preferred smaller groups of people instead. My head spun will all the collective small talk conversations rushing into my ears. I needed a smoke. I left the main floor and went out onto one of the many balconies that the place had.

I took a stick from my pocket and lit the end with my lighter. I inhaled lightly before allowing the smoke to leave my mouth. My eyes scanned across the busy California streets. Even with the sun about to set people were still back up with traffic. I took a small sip from my glass of champagne, it burned as it flowed down my throat.

I let out a sigh as I stared out at all the city lights. "Is something the matter madam?" A familiar voice spoke up. My eyes focused on the man in the doorway. It was the owner, James March. He approached the edge of the balcony and leaned over with his hands pressed against the railing.

"Why do you ask?" I gave him a confused glance. Why wasn't he inside with the rest o the guest? Surely he had better things to do than accompany me. "You seem a little troubled at first glance." He spoke in a strong accent. "I can assure you that nothing is troubling me." I took another hit of my cigarette and watched as the smoke floated upwards.

"Surely you have better things to do than waste your time with me." I flicked the ashes of my smoke off the building. "What kind of nonsense are you spewing woman?" He asked. "You could take up my entire evening and I wouldn't mind a bit." He gave me this charming smile that made my heart flutter with surprise.

He noticed my glass resting on the railing, he took it between his fingers and room the reminding liquid. "Ah refreshing." I looked at him and lead against the balcony. "Do you do this to all the women you meet?" I asked. "No no, you see I'm just a gentleman who has respect towards women."

A man who was willingly able to treat a woman as an equal was quite rare back in the 1920s. "You're fascinating," I stated as he glanced at me with a cheeky ear-to-ear grin. "You as well, tell me why is it you find yourself alone on a balcony?" He asked to which I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Just needed some air to clear my mind is all." "Dear I could make every problem in the world seem like a distant memory if only you'd allow me." He asked in a hushed seductive voice. I just giggled. "You're sweet, but I'm not looking for a one-nighter."

"Best be getting back to your celebration wouldn't you say? You're the life of the party, everyone must be looking for you." He placed his hand on mine and gazed deep into my eyes. I could have sworn he could see right through me. I knew men like this, persistent little buggers, wouldn't stop until they got what they sought after.

"How cute," I uttered under my breath as I leaned forwards and gave him a peck on the lips. Something that was supposed to be just a small gesture turned into something more. His hand trailed down my curvy waist and made its way to my hip. I placed my hand on his and took it off. "I've already told you I'm not interested in a one-night stand." She stated.

"Dear, who ever said anything about one night?" He asked his eyes glimmering in the faint ray of sun. I had to admit he wasn't a bad-looking man, he was charismatic and nice, which I had to admit was my type. "I'll take you up on that offer if you take me out to dinner first." I leaned against my back against the railing as he placed his hands on both sides of me.

"It'll be my treat." He smiled faintly. "I guess it's a date then," I said as I closed the gap separating our lips from one another. At first, I didn't know a single person who attended the gathering, and now I'm going on a date with the head of the hotel. "Don't worry darling, I'll treat you right." He whispered into the kiss.

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