take control; james march

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take control; smut
warnings: degrading kink, swearing
song: champagne and sunshine by tarro

"James I'm back-" you were caught off guard by the scent of champagne and exotic candles. The smell filled your nose with its pleasant aroma. You shut the door to your hotel room and approach the variety of candles that were placed neatly around the bed like a shrine. "What is all this?" You asked.

Soon after you felt the arms snake around your waist. "It's all for you, my love." His head buried itself in the crook of your neck as he kissed your soft skin. "What in heaven's name are you doing?" You ask, he didn't seem taken back in the slightest. "Just wanted to surprise you, my dear." His hushed voice was soothing to your ears.

You pressed your palm up against the heated animal's face, making him retreat a few steps. "What are you playing at?" You hissed, and seeing the priceless desperate look on his face was very charming to you. "What? Can't a man prepare something special for his mistress?" James asked.

He took ahold of your hand in his own and placed a small kiss on it. You snatch your hand from his own with one flick of the wrist. How despicable men were. You walked over to the dimly lit bed and took a seat on the edge. "If you're going to ravish my body it's going to be on my terms, got it?"

A smile crept on his lips."You're so sexy when you talk like that." He hurried over to the bed and pressed his lips against yours. Once a moment passed you pulled away, leaving him wanting more. There was a soft popping sound as your lips parted from one another's.

"Remove your clothes and lay on the bed." You command and he obeyed quickly like a trained lap dog. He stripped from his uniform and lay spread out with only his underwear to cover him. You crawl over to him and straddle his lap. His member stood at attention to your movements. What a slutty man.

"You're despicable." You utter as you lifted your shirt over your head and tossed it shirt as well as your pants off the bed to who knows where. You flinch slightly as you feel his cold ghost hand grip your hips. Lust swirled in his eyes as his control slipped away.

To keep him in line you removed his hands. You could see that displeased look on his face as you did so. "Don't you dare touch me with your filthy hands." You hissed. Seeing the needy look on his face made you feel like you owed him something. To soothe his lustful intentions you intentionally backed your ass up against his deprived dick which earned a small whimper.

A smile crept on your lips as you began toying with his erection through the thin fabric. Stroking it slowly with your fingers gradually grazing over it from time to time. Suddenly, his pelvis thrust upwards. He carved something more but he knew if he asked for it you wouldn't be too pleased with his whining.

"If your want more your going to have to use words, honey." You coo with your sweet toxic words. Your hand reached under the cloth and wrap around his dick. Slowly you pumped it making him arch his back from the pleasurable feeling of being touched. "My love, please, I want to be inside you so fucking badly." He said in between heavy breaths for air.

This satisfied you. Your fingers trailed the waistband of his boxers before gripping them and yanking down his last line of defense. His attentive erection springs out right away. You moved and positioned yourself over him. You look him right in his lustful eyes as you lowered yourself.

"Ah fuck." He moaned out, throwing his head back in ecstasy from the warm sensation that surrounded his manhood. It would be a lie to say it wasn't painful the deeper his seven inches dick went. You bit your bottom lip and focused intently on getting used to his size. The process was going painfully slow.

Fuck it, you thought. It would be like pulling off a bandaid. You took a deep breath before taking it all in. You let out a throaty moan of pain mixed with the small sensation of pleasure. It was so fucking deep. Your hands rested themselves on his chest to give you more control over the position.

You lifted yourself upwards until his dick was almost all the way out before slamming back down. The two of you moaned in unison as this process continued. Bouncing up and down on his cock until he muttered. "I'm about to come." You looked him dead in the eye as your motion came to an abrupt stop.

"Ask for permission before you come." You slowed your pacing and waited for his words to continue. "Darling please, I beg of you, let me cum deep inside." He pleaded. "As you wish my dear." A devious smirk grew on your lips. You could feel yourself growing close as you sped up.

As you continued you weren't expecting him to begin thrusting upwards. This motion made him go even deeper into your pussy than before. A slutty moan escaped past your lips as the two of you came in unison with one another. It was a warm, burning feeling deep in your abdomen. You collapsed warn out onto his chest.

You could hear the rapid beating of his heart along with his deep breathing. "You felt incredible." He said in between lengthy breaths for air. "You think so?" You gazed into his eyes as you closed the space between your lips. "I love it when you take control." You smiled at his comment. Though you were humiliating him though out the whole intimacy, he still praised you in the end.

"You're the only man for me, I love you so." You snuggled comfortably against his chest. "I love you too my darling." He placed a kiss on top of your head and ran his fingers through your delicate hair. This comforting feeling made your eyelids feel weak. And once your eyes could no longer take the pressure you fell into a deep and relaxed slumber.

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