daddy issues; kai anderson

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daddy issues; fluff
warnings: cuteness, wholesome, slight angst
song: she keeps me up by nickel back

As a child, Kai didn't have the best relationship with his father. All the constant criticism and abuse that he had to endure was rough on their family. His father was the root of the problem, with the regular yelling and bickering he would do with anyone who attempted to talk with him.

After being shot by his mother, there was a sense of relief that washed over Kai as he stood over his father's lifeless body. Now months later his parents rotting corpses remained in that room. "Kai." You spoke up, peeking into the door with the lock on the outside.

"Yes?" He asked, rising from his parent's bedside. He approached you and walked out of the room. I shut the door behind him before speaking. "There's a Trump rally on, if you wanted to go watch it." His face turned from serious to a softer expression. "I knew I could always count on you."

Kai patted the top of your head before making his way to the basement. You give him a soft smile before heading to the kitchen where you had put in a bag of popcorn prior to telling Kai. You removed the bag from the microwave and opened it, immediately the smell of butter filled the air.

You poured it into a large bowl for the two of you to share and joined him in the basement. "Kai?" You called out as you walked down the steps. "I got some popcorn," you announced. Once the couch was in sight you could see him hunched over with his head in his lap. "Oh, Kai." You whispered.

It was like this every time he visited his decaying parents. He told you about his childhood which was surprising since he rarely talks about his past. About his abusive paralyzed father who you assumed was the cause of his anger issues. Learning from role models is how humans learn, and when someone has a negative role in their life they tend to act like that person.

You approached where he sat and placed the popcorn down next to him on the couch. "Kai," you spoke softly as you placed your hand on his broad shoulder. You could hear soft weeps coming from him. His watery brown eye peeked through his long blue strands of hair. You knew it wasn't a good idea to be around him in the emotional state he was in, but you felt a strong need to be there for him.

He unrolled from his position and slapped your hand from his shoulder. In the process, he knocked over the popcorn bowl, sending kernels flying through the air and landing all over the basement. You sighed as you looked at his deprived expression. He was like a child who would occasionally throw a tantrum.

You sat on the couch, careful of every move you made. It was like maneuvering around an active mine. "It's alright, he's gone and there is no one left who is going to hurt you." You carefully wrap your arms around his muscular torso and pressed your body up against his.

"My mother, she killed him before turning the gun on herself. Blowing her brains out right in front of me." This new side of the story shocked you, he had never talked about what happened with his mother nor how his father died. He looked at you with tears in his eyes. "She didn't have to die."

You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him close. "I'm sorry- I'm sorry that happened to you Kai." He hurried his head in the crook of your neck, he was hesitant to accept this gesture of compassion but soon enough he gave in. Wrapping his hands around you he dropped his guard and allowed you to support him.

Through all the months that you knew him, he wasn't one to lower his guard even the smallest amount, but this just meant the two of you were growing closer. "Damn it." His words were muffled by the fabric of your shirt. "You're the problem." He spoke up. You didn't listen to his words and just continued embracing him.

"You made me fall in love." Your heart is warmed by his words. Never had the word love left his mouth. "I think I love you, (y/n)." He spoke softly as he backed away from the hug. You gazed into his water-filled eyes. His lips quivered ever so slightly as he waited for your response. "You might have someone
major daddy issues but, of course, I love you too Kai."

You placed your hand on the side of his face and wiped away the streams of water that grazed over his cheek. You gave him a small smile as you closed the space between the two of you. His lips were soft, almost silken, and pillowy against your own. After a moment you went to pull away but he stopped you by placing his hand on the back of your head.

How cute, you thought. When he was ready the kiss broke. He looked at you with a priceless expression that you had never seen before. A smile grew on your face as you realized you were the only person capable of comforting him. You were his one true love.

✧ 𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃: evan peters imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now