freak circus; jimmy darling

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freak show; fluff
warnings: I don't know what to put here...
song: freak show by sub urban

It was the crack of dawn as you approached the white and red striped tent. The flaps of the entrance flew open as you let yourself into the establishment. You glanced around the room for someone to speak with when your eyes landed on a guy.

He had silky strands of curly dark brown hair and wore a white tank top with a pair of dark grey sweatpants. You approached the man who seemed to be setting up chairs for the performance tonight. He looked up and caught glimpse of you approaching. He stood with a folded chair in his hands and he focused his attention on you.

"Is this the freak show?" You asked, making sure you were in the right place. "Yep it sure is, what can I do for a doll like yourself?" He asked. "I want to join the show." You said confidently, he blankly stared at you before snickering to himself.

"I can assure you that won't happen unless you're hiding a pair of donkey legs under that gorgeous skirt." He blew you off like an annoying pest that was bussing around his head. He went back to preparing the chairs when he noticed you still standing there watching him. "Was that all?"

"I'm not taking no for an answer." You declare. He let out a large exhale as he sat down the chair and walked up to you. "Listen here, you're a very pretty lady, but you can't get in on looks alone." His brown eyes met with yours as a smile appeared on his face. "Now run along now." He says.

"Please I have nowhere else to turn." You practically beg him to let you stay but he just shook his head. "Like I said unless you have something to show for you can leave." Your eyes met the ground as he turned away from you, he began to get annoyed with you for interrupting his work. But you weren't taking the words no and leaving with it.

You inhaled deeply before unbuttoning your blouse. "Weird enough for you?" You ask, he annoyingly sighed before turning his attention back to you. Three perfectly plump breasts hung cozily in your bra. He looked at them and then back to meet your eyes. "Wow." He uttered under his breath, not knowing what to say in that situation.

The three of them were huge, a C cup at least. They were perfectly round and were as soft as a squishy marshmallow. You had this confident look in your eyes, he had judged you too harshly beforehand, not even giving you a chance. You weren't just a pretty face.

Your arms crossed below your chest, pushing them upwards slightly. "How about now? Will you let me join?" You ask again. His eyes bounced all over the place, at one hand he wanted to be polite and not stare but he could help himself. He was utterly mesmerized.

"Ah- yeah, sure, I mean-" He stumbled over his words "I'll have to talk to our ring leader but- I'm-I'm sure you'll make the cut." He fought hard to look you in the eye, you could see he struggled to maintain eye contact. This amused you, such a confident guy falling prey to his own weakness.

"You would be a dear and ask her for me?" You approached him with your arms dangling by your side. "Wouldn't wanna keep a lady waiting now would you." You winked at him with a cheeky smile on your face. "Certainly Mrs.-" "(y/n)." You said.

"What a pretty name." He says with a smile. "Why thank you." You gazed deeply into his eyes. The longing and wanting of men always seemed to fascinate you. They were all the same. You cup his jawline in your hand and lean forwards.

You figured for entertaining you he deserved a reward. Your soft pink lips pressed gently against his, he didn't pull away nor tell you off so you assumed that he was alright with it. The kiss ended with a pop sound and the two of you stood there for a moment before he turned flustered.

"I'll go get her." He quickly spoke and left the room. You popped the buttons back where they came out of and placed your fingers on your lips. Caramel, his lips tasted like the syrupy goodness of caramel. He was cute; you figured you were going to have a fun time playing around with him.

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