not so free; kai anderson

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not so free: smut
warnings: adult content, violence, praise/degrading kink
song: seven nation army by white stripes

"Yes!! USA USA!" Kai chanted as he repeatedly bounced around the room. The election had concluded and Trump came out on top. "Suck my dick world, woo!" He thrust forward with his groin, he then realized that I had been watching his actions.

"Or maybe." He said in a hushed intimidating voice. "Someone else can suck my dick." He walked up to me and placed his large hand underneath my chin, he tilted it up slightly forcing me to look him in the eye. He glared at me, trying to make me crack under pressure, but I did no such thing.

"Do you mind? I'm not sucking you off, creep." I informed him. That just aggravated him further. He had always been a loose fuse just waiting for the right opportunity to snap at someone. "Oh come on don't be that way." He whined. "You know you want these seven inches in your mouth."

I snapped my head from his grip in disgust. What a pathetic excuse for a man. This small action enraged him. In one swift motion, he placed both of his hands on my shoulders and pinned me back against the couch. His blue locks draped in front of his face.

"This is the happiest moment of my life and you're not going to ruin it with your bullshit, you understand?" His eyes burned into my very soul. "What about your rent? You've been living here three months and I hadn't asked for even a cent." I rolled my eye at him.

He struck me, slapping my cheek with the back of his hand. "Know your place!" Kai shouted at me, he was so close that I could feel his warm breath brushing up against my skin. He noticed that he let his rage get the best of him and his voice softened. I couldn't tell if he did it because he felt bad or he didn't want this situation to ruin his night.

"All will be forgiven if you just do this one thing for me, that's all I ask." I placed my hand on the spot he had struck me. The slap woke me up to reality. If I didn't do this I would owe him, I just don't have that type of money to pay him back. I hated being in this situation.

Either I could deep-throat his cock and have a roof over my head, or be tossed out onto the snowy Michigan streets. He didn't give me much of a choice there. Kai rested his head in the crook of my neck and started licking like a small dog would.

"Fine- cum in my mouth and I'll kill you." He stopped the motion of his tongue and backed away with a cocky grin on his dumb-looking face. "I knew I could count on you." He backed away from me and fumbled with his belt. Kai always enjoyed being in control, making other people feel like insects compare to him.

His pants slipped down and I was met with his seven-inch hard-on. "Well, what are you waiting for?" He asked. I glared at him as I lowered myself onto my knees in front of him. I bet the thing getting his dick hard was the fact that I would be kneeling at his feet. I licked up the shaft before taking a small portion of his length into my mouth.

"Aw fuck~" He moaned out, throwing his head back from the warmth of my mouth wrapping around his erection. This was utterly humiliating. I bobbed my head back and forth as he became a very vocal mess. His moans and whimpers were music to my ears. "Yeah just like that."

His breathing was rapidly increasing as I sped up my pace. "Oh god, you're so good at sucking it, I bet you've done this type of thing with plenty of guys, what a slutty woman." His hands snaked up to the back of my head and started guiding me. "Shit, I'm getting close." He moaned out. I went to pull away, not wanting the nasty taste of his sperm lingering in my mouth.

It didn't go as planned, he grabbed the back of my head and shoved my throat all the way down his shaft. I did the best I could, but I wound up choking after a few seconds. Kai couldn't give two shits about my feelings. What a raging sociopath.

Unable to pull away he used my mouth as a flashlight and continued thrusting his dick far down my throat. The motion of his hips sped up telling me he was growing close. Shit. He took one final deep thrust down my abused throat and relieved his load.

He sighed in relief as he pulled his cock from my lips. As soon as he did so I couldn't contain my coughing fit any longer. He collapsed on the ground next to me worn out and out of breath. "You're as good as dead, I told you to pull out before you came." He just gave me this pure innocent look.

"You can't deny it, I know that you like when I forcefully take control like the little slut you are." He placed a kiss on my forehead. "You're the only woman I've met with such a perverted degrading kink." His breath was shaky as a smile appeared on his face.

"You know me too well." I smiled back at him as our lips locked in a passionate kiss. When we parted I could see the yearning in his eyes. "I'm hard again." He whispered in a low seductive voice. "Fuck off." I picked up a pillow from the couch and tossed it at him. He looked at me with his dark brown eyes. "God I love you."

✧ 𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃: evan peters imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now