trouble; kit walker

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trouble; fluff
warnings: gaslighting
song: so damn into you by vlad holiday

It was a long exhausting day working at the gas station. All Kit wanted to do was go home to his wife and cuddle up to her on their soft king bed. And yet he was stuck with closing up the place. It had already been a shit long day so it couldn't get much worse.

"Hey." He turned to the entrance of the station only to see three guys walking his way. He sighed in annoyance, "can't you read? The sign says we're closed." The men just snickered as they looked at him with judgmental glances. "Oh Kit." The bigger guy cooed.

Kit watched intently as one of the guys walked over to the stand where he held his gun. It was a small pistol that he carried just in case something were to happen. "Get away from there." He demanded as the guy gripped the handle and swung the door open.

"Ohhh." The guy sang. "Look what we have here." He took the pistol in his hand and held it like it was a toy. A worried look appeared on Kit's face as he swung the gun around on his finger. "Put the gun down now." The guy continued to flip the gun around carelessly.

"How's your wife been lately?" He asked out of the blue. "My wife?" Kit questioned, why would this punk bring up his wife, that was unless they did something to her. A frown appeared on Kit's face as he glared at the three boys.

"What did you do to my wife." The tone of his voice sounded harsh. He was no longer fearful for his own safety and marched right to the guy. "I fucked her, you should have seen the little bitches face as she moan relentlessly beneath me."

The look in Kit's eyes was burned with rage, if the guy didn't have a loaded gun aimed at his chest he would have been dead a long time ago. "Your dick is so big, give me more!" He said in a mocking voice as the other two chuckled behind him. Kit knew his wife would never do such a thing, they had to be lying.

Kit realized that he wouldn't be able to win a fight against the three of them. He would have gladly taken all three of them on right there, but his wife was his main priority, her safety meant more to him than anything. "Mother fuckers." Kit shoved the shoulder of the guy with the gun and walked out to his car.

He couldn't give a rat's ass about closing up, not when his wife could be endangered. As he was walking around back to his truck he heard a loud bang. A bullet wooshed past him and made an impact with the gaveled ground. The guys laughed hysterically as Kit continued on his mission to get home as fast as humanly possible

He jumped into his truck and sped off. "Fuck!" He shouted and banged his fist on the steering wheel. If something happened to her he would never forgive himself. She was his everything, his whole world. Without her, nothing mattered.

Coming home and seeing that adorable smile on her face, her rosy flustered cheeks, getting kissed by her soft lips, he couldn't bare to live without it. She was the evening ray of light in this dark depressing world. She was his reason to continue.

He pulled into the driveway and rushed into the house. Kit slammed the door open and yelled desperately, "babe! (y/n)!" He panicked when he didn't hear a reply back. Shit, this can't be happening. He stormed into the house and was met by the delicious smell of her cooking.

She had to have been there, the food wasn't charred. A wave of sadness washed over him when he saw that she was nowhere in sight. All he wanted to do was hold her lovingly in his arms and squeezed his arms around her.

"Kit? Is something wrong?" There she was, appearing behind the bedroom door she stood with a confused look on her face. "oh god, you're alright." In an instant, he rushed over to her and embraced her in his arms. He had almost swept her off her feet. There it was, the giggle that he adored so much.

She didn't understand what was going on, but she didn't mind this side of her husband. "Did they hurt you?" He asked, his voice weak as he tried his hardest to repress his tears. "Who are you talking about?" She asked.

She didn't get an explanation before his lips gently slammed into hers. Tears streamed down his cheeks and intercepted with the kiss. "Babe, what's wrong?" She asked, wiping away his tears with her thumb. He just smiled at her with a half-lit grin. "Nothing, I'm just glad to see you're alright."

He wrapped his arms around her again, wanting this moment to last longer. "I love you so much (y/n), you're my entire world, I don't know what I'd do without you." She patted his back slowly as he wept soundlessly.

"I love you too Kit, you're the only man I'll ever love." Those words were soothing to his ears. The only one for her. He squeezed he tightly, never wanting to release her from his grasp. He wanted to be by her side until the end of time.

✧ 𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃: evan peters imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now