(1) kissing them

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Kit Walker: Kit would be more passionate with he kiss. He would rest his warm hand under your chin and gently press upwards to make you look him in the eyes before leaning forward and kissing you're soft lips. His delicate lips tasted like the savory taste of caramel, so sweet and alluring you could just eat him up.

James P. March: James would be more of a gentleman. He would ask for your consent before proceeding with any unforeseen actions. Saying something along the line of may I kiss you? If you agreed he would start off by kissing your hand, while your distracted, he would place a small peck on your lips and pull you close, cupping your face with his hands as you melted into the sweet kiss.

Kai Anderson: Kai would be rough with it, at first the kiss would start off sweet and innocent, but gradually get more and more difficult to get away from him. Every time your lips would part it wouldn't be long before he would grab your face and slam his lips on yours. He liked the feeling of being in control and you had no other choice but to play along.

Tate Langdon: Tate wouldn't ask for to permission, he would mind kiss you anytime anywhere. He was concerned if people are watching or even if the world was enveloped in chaos around the two of you. He just loved the way your lips fit perfectly with his. Kissing you was like a drug to him and he enjoyed every second of it.

Jimmy Darling: Jimmy wouldn't mind kissing you any time any place. If he saw you in the crowd at one of his performances he wouldn't hesitate to walk off stage just to envelop you in a hug as he pushed his lips up against yours. He loved that you accepted him just the way he was and for that, he would go to the end of the earth for you.

✧ 𝐖𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐃: evan peters imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now