(3) jealousy

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Tate Langdon: 6/10
Though he can't stand when guys get near you, he has some self-control. If the guy started getting too friendly then he would interfere and pull you away with him. Or to show that you were his, he would kiss your lips before giving a dirty look to the guy.

Kit Walker: 3/10
He wouldn't mind much, he trusts you fully and knows that you would never leave him for another guy. Though he would get envious at times, he understood that your loyalty lied with him and him alone, and knowing that gave him a piece of mind.

Kai Anderson: 9/10
Kai can't stand when you talk to other guys. He has major trust issues and needs to know every small detail you two talked about. Sometimes, if he was feeling super clingy he would attempt to start a fight with the guy and you would have to interfere and break it up.

James P. March: 4/10
He personally doesn't find other guys intimidating, however, if he catches another guy flirting with you he would hesitate to skin him alive. He allowed you to have your freedom since you knew that you belong to him and that would never change. So overall, he trusts you to make your own choices.

Jimmy Darling: 7/10
Seeing you with another guy was the worst feeling for him. He would watch over you like a hawk, if the guy so much as laid a finger on you he wouldn't hesitate to start a fight. He could never forgive himself if something were to happen to you.

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