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BIBLEIt had been four days since their Phuket vacation, and they were back at work. 

Bible cherished the memories from the trip, especially the time spent with Build. T

hey were inseparable during the vacation, though Build wasn't able to join him for morning runs every day—something that had only happened once.

 Instead, they would hang out in the afternoons once Build had recharged from his rest and meals.

Bible was chatting with Us when he made a sulky comment.

"You and Build have been hanging out a lot lately. I'm jealous," Us said.

Bible smiled, fully aware of Us's feelings and the complexity of their situation. He knew Us liked him, but he couldn't reciprocate those feelings. 

He was in love with Us's best friend, Build, and he was relieved that Us hadn't shared his feelings with Build.

 Bible felt it would have been painful for Us to hear about his unreturned feelings for Build. 

Out of respect for Us, Bible had decided to keep his feelings to himself and not add to Us's heartache.

"You don't have to be jealous now. I'm here hanging out with you," Bible said.

"Did you already tell him you like him?" Us asked suddenly.

Bible hesitated. Us's eyes were searching for answers, and Bible didn't want to hurt him further. Admitting the truth would likely lead Us to ask about Build's reaction, which could cause more pain for Us.

"I did, but he couldn't remember. We were both drunk," Bible said, trying to sound nonchalant.Us was silent for a moment before he spoke again. 

"What if... What if I like you?"

Bible was caught off guard by Us' confession. He wasn't sure how to respond. Us seemed serious, and Bible was at a loss for words.


Build was feeling hungry and decided to ask either Us or Bible to join him for a meal. He was heading towards the practice room when he overheard Us and Bible talking seriously.

"You and Build have been hanging out lately. I'm jealous," Us said, his tone sulking.

Build stopped and hid behind a curtain, careful not to be seen. He listened intently as Bible responded.

"You don't have to be jealous now. I'm here hanging out with you," Bible said.

"Did you already tell him you like him?" Us asked.

Build's heart sank as he heard Bible's response.

"I did, but he couldn't remember. We were both drunk," Bible admitted.

Build felt a wave of sadness and regret. 

He wanted to apologize to Bible for pretending to be asleep and wished he had shown his true feelings. 

He didn't want to intrude further but remained hidden, listening.

"What if... What if I like you?" Us' voice echoed in Build's mind.

Build's heart raced as he felt his own heartbreak. 

He couldn't bear to hear how Bible would respond. He quickly left the room, running away from the painful scene.


Bible was trying to process Us' confession when Us spoke again.

"Can you at least reject me?" Us asked.

Bible was taken aback.

 He stammered, struggling to find the right words. 

Us was smiling, but there was a serious undertone to his request.

"I don't know what to say. I've never..." Bible began, unsure of how to respond.

Us continued, "I said it because I wanted you to reject me. I need to move on, and I need you to reject me so I can let go of my feelings and move forward."

Bible was concerned. "Will you be okay?"

"JJ is asking me out, and I like him, but I like you more. So, I need to get over you before I go out with him," Us said.

Bible admired Us' bravery and honesty. He knew how much Us had been struggling, and he was grateful for their friendship.

"Okay, then I am rejecting you," Bible said with a playful tone but a smile.

Us made a face, not satisfied with the simple rejection. "It's not HOW YOU DO IT!!! You should tell me why you don't like meeee!"

Bible laughed, realizing Us wanted more than just a flat rejection.

 "I can't like you because I love Build."

"Okay, that works. Thank you!" Us said, looking relieved. 

He pulled Bible into a friendly hug.

Bible hugged him tightly, feeling a mix of relief and sadness.

 He was glad to have such a supportive friend and hoped Us would find the love he deserved.

"I hope JJ treats you well. I hope he loves you as much. I'm happy for you," Bible said, ruffling Us' hair.

Us smiled, looking like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. 

"Ask him out too. I'll be rooting for you," he said as they left the practice room together.

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