chapter 15

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hello makkalaee!!! do read the note at the end of the chappyyy!!

avoo avoo story kulla jaavooo!!!!

Insecurities, something thats often thought as lack of confidence, something thats seen as a fatuous act, something that voices ones vulnerability and self doubts, something thats puts you into a swirl of pessimism and makes you strongly believe that you are inadequate.

However, what people fail to notice is that insecurity isnt just about feeling like a coward, when you feel insecure that means you feel exposed, you feel unsure and you feel unsafe and moreover you feel like you are the root cause for everything. Its basic human behaviour to think they are the reason for the damage and to feel guilty.

That's exactly what athiren and saathvika are going through, they are basically in a pool of guilt and its in their hands to decide whether they wanna swim through and go back to the shore or drown in and forget the shore.

It's been two days since the incident took place, thats two days since they spoke and two days since they started indulging into their hallucination - their guilt. And in these twodays their family saw their change in character.

Athiren went even more silent then he usually is, he spent most of his time in his room, in deep thoughts that often resulted in unbearable pain, he isolated himself and his two only companions were his kuttyma and his ps. Mani grew worried about him, and her who has spent her entire 30 years with him knew exactly what he was doing.

'avan overthink panniyaee saavran'

Seeing his playful machan all quiet and stressed, hussains heart ached and seeing his funny wife all worried made his situation even worse. He missed the family, a family filled with joy happiness, he missed the tom and jerry duo that kept bickering, he missed their soulful laughter. he missed his machans pranks on the whole he missed athiren. Sara on the otherhand, didnt have a clue has to what happened, why her mama is sad, why is her mumma silent, why is her pappa frustrated but all she knew was she needed to make them smile, and she did to some extent, she was the only soul that made them happy and made them do the bare minnimum that is to smile.

but one question kept running in all three of their minds..

' why is he so affected by this issue? by her?'

Saathvika, a very carefree girl who knew exactly how to handle any situation for the first time felt vulnerable and for the first time she fell silent something that shocked the entire house, a girl who never knew to keep her mouth shut now kept her doors shut,its not like she always needed her families help to overcome hard situations but she has always shared the problem to them to keep her heart light and for the first time she failed to do that.

krish pa was affected the most to see his princess silent, to see her spark missing, to see her eyes watering. he didnt understand whats going on in her head, but all he knew was that she was hurt... hurt like never before that she made a cage for herself, which made him feel helpless...

vinay on the otherhand, had the slightest idea of the reason for her sudden silence and that was athiren, he knew his sister had a special feeling for him, and he knew she never analysed it.right now he also knows that she is in the space where theres high chance she can realise what is this new eruption. As a brother he is frustrated by the online happenings, but he knew this is the only way to get her mind clear, to make her understand what she wants.

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