Chapter 3. Memories of blood

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Asada (Sinon) POV

I was shoved into a alley way by two girls a third one sitting with a stick in her mouth staring at me. "I need a favor we sorta went over-time at Karaoke, and now we don't have enough cash for the train home. We're gonna need around 10 we'll pay you back though." Endo said.

"Ten thousand?! I don't have that much money on me." I said glaring at her.

"Well go withdraw it then." Endo said sighing. I disagreed "No I am not giving you guys any money.". I tried to turn away but the other two girls were blocking my path.

"You bitch we'll do this the hard way then." I heard Endo say behing me. "Get out of the way I wanna go!"

Endo gave a evil laugh and I turned around she put her fingers in a form of a gun and pointed it at me. Which made me gasp frozen in place shaking. "Bang!' she said she then started smiling "Poor Asada y'know my older brother got some pretty cool models of guns would love to show em to you." She said. I backed up still shaking 'No, no stop it!'

"I know guns are your favorite esspically pistols!" She said getting closer as I tried to shake the violent images out of my head.

"Uh ohh! Someones gonna hurl, remember when you blew chunks in class and fainted?" one of the girls behind me said.

"All you have to do is give us the money and we'll let you go home." Endo said she then grabbed my bag but a familiar male voice called out.

"Officer! A girl's getting mugged in the alley!" he said the girls kicked my bag and began to run as I fell on my knees breathing heavily.

Time skip to going home same POV

I began to change out of my uniform staring at the desk. I remebered how the last hunt went with G/n and the others.. "I can do this" I said to myself.

I walked to the desk opening the draw. I looked and saw the gun. My breathing got shakey and I touched it but once I picked it up it all hit me. My heart started beating faster and images of blood came to mind. And I screamed.

I don't remember what my Dad looked like I remembered hearing he died in a car accident, Sometime before I turned two after the accident my mom left and we went to go live with her parents. It was peaceful there for the both of us. But one day that peace was shattered We were at the bank and I had a book in my hand. I heard the door open and I seen a man walked in he was drooling.. He roughly grabbed my mom and threw her to the ground.

He opened his bag and took out a gun aiming it at the guy at front desk 'Put the money in the bag, god damn it! and don't hit the alarm or else!' He shouted I was scared and shouted for my mom.

'Don't just stand there fill it up! Move it!' He said the guy took out a stack of cash and put it in the bag the guys took it and sho the man at front desk. I covered my ears and yelped.

The man pointed the gun at a women short hair 'Fill it up, or you get it, too!' the girl put her hands up. The man switched his target to my mom and thats when I panicked even more.

'I swear I'll kill her if you don't full it up right now.' he shouted. I got up biting the mans wrist which made in yell in pain he hit me against a wall but let go of the gun and I picked it up quickly he started grabbing me.

'Let go of my gun you brat!' He shouted out of fear I pulled the trigger he held his wound and tried coming at me again but I shot again crying. I let it go off a 3rd time hitting my hand against the wall this time in the head he finally stopped moving.

And I let out a breath. But the look I saw on my mothers face scared me she looked horrified I had a gun in my hands and blood on me a pool of blood came and soaked my white pants.

I began to scream again snapping out of the memory having a image of the guy in my head I threw the gun running to my bathroom throwing up. I cleaned up and came out with a cloth picking up the gun putting it away. I threw myself on the bed letting a sigh out looking at myself in the mirror.

I look awful.. I curled up crying a little "Somebody..anybody save me." I whimpered out crying.


"Wait! What?! You're quitting A.L.O?!" I said Looking at kirito with a angry tone in my voice.

"No! I'll just be gone for a couple of days. I'll convert back after that." Kirito said waving his hands in defense. "But why..?" I said my tone going down very confused.

"Well, Actually...Theres this other MMO I need to check out." He said scratching the back of his head. "You've done this before and just used new accounts. Why is this any different? and you know if you convert your items will be reset. Why would you wanna do that?" I said.

"Well. It's a favor for the goverment guy." He said scratching his cheek. I sighed " I guess if he's asking you to you can't say no.. Never trusted that guy" I said sighing looking down.

"Just come back as soon as you can this is our home please.." I said putting my hand on top of his we both had our rings on Yui sat on top of both out hands and I smiled.

Kirito kissed me and patted Yui. "Don't worry I'll be back in ALO before you know it, I'll just dive into gun gale online for a couple days see whats going on and thats that." He said I flinched.

"Something wrong?" He asked and I waved my hands. "Not at all I'll just really miss you!" I said smiling.

Asada (Sinon) POV

I threw myself on the bed after talking to my grandfather.

'Ever since that day I freak out whenever I see a gun. If I see a picture of one or see it on Tv, I always panic I came to tokyo for highschool to get as far away as I could. Thinking it'll help but it didn't. One day my friend Shinkawa told me about ggo and I thought it'll work as a coping tool for me and it kinda worked as Sinon I'm okay I can handel it I figure the stronger sinon gets the stronger I will get winning the next Bullet of bullets will cure me.. It has to.' I thought in my head putting on my headset.

"Link start" I said closing my eyes.

3rd person POV

"Link start" All three young players said closing their eyes. Sinon, G/N and Kirito. All logged in to GGO.

During that time though a young man was listening in on 3 players conversation worrying about the players who went missing. The guy opened up a folder which revealed a line of pictures.

XeXeeD and Tarajo were both X'd out in red. The man smiled at his screen smiling at the next two photos. "I'm coming for you girls~ G/n, Sinon."

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