{Chapter 1}

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I think I've seen this film before, and I didn't like the ending

We really thought it was over.

We couldn't have been more wrong.

The blood on the trophy case, the walls, the floor.

The tape around the scene.

The many police surrounding, gloved hands retrieving the remaining evidence from the bloody scene.

And her necklace laying there, in the middle of it all, glinting as though smiling at me.

I blink, and reality surrounds me again. Cooper and Addy across the other side of the room. Addy's biting her lip. I catch Coopers eye from across the room, and see the same question reflected in them as I've been asking myself for the last 20 minutes.

Where is she?

We could be overreacting. For all we know she could just be out on a walk or something. It's only been 25 minutes since the blood was found, and she hasn't been proclaimed missing yet.

But what about the necklace?

It doesn't make sense.

It was all going so well. Fiona was behind bars for everything that she's done, we were all finally happy. Bronwyn was okay.

"Nate?" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Cooper clicking his fingers in front of my face, Addy behind him.

"Are you okay?" Addy looks at me with concerned eyes.

No. I'm the opposite of okay. What if she's dead? What if she's being murdered right now while I'm sat here, doing nothing? The sound of her screams and cries of pain echo around my head, piercing into my ears. I see a figure with no face leaning over her, slowly pulling her out of consciousness. And now I've started, I can't stop. I squeeze my eyes shut trying to undo the image, but I can't.


"I'm fine."

No, I'm not.

I can see in their eyes that they don't believe me, but I can't be bothered to be persuasive right now. No ones okay anyway.

"The police are running DNA tests on the blood at the scene. We'll get the results back tomorrow on who's it is. So we'll know if it's not Bronwyn if she's not back by then." Cooper says.

How reassuring.

Addy glares at him "Of course she'll be back by then Coop. I'm sure she just got stressed and went on a walk to clear her mind or something. She'll come back anything now perfectly fine, don't worry Nate."

That doesn't stop me worrying.

I don't hear what they say next, because I'm back in my thoughts. The night on the boat, when she poured her heart out to me a few feet away from a dead body. The way it felt to just hold her like I'd been wanting to all those years.

Getting to tell her how much I loved her, and getting to kiss her, knowing that a few hours later we'd be arrested for murdering Jake. Not getting arrested after all.

And the way she found out about me and Fiona only a few seconds before being stabbed. If she hadn't survived, those would have been the words she took to her grave.

She would have died not knowing how much I loved her.

She would have died thinking I didn't love her.


Addy snaps me out of my thoughts once again. That girl.

"Sorry, me and Coop, are heading home, need a lift?"

"I'm good."



I don't hear what she says next, neither do I see her or Cooper exit. All I hear is her screams.

I walk over to the desk I know she sits at in homeroom.

I crouch down next to it and let the tear I'd been resisting finally fall down my face.

She deserved a bigger apology. She shouldn't have had to bring it up either, I should have told her as soon as I hooked up with Fiona. And now, I might never be able to give her the apology she deserved. I might never get to see her again.

And I'll never be able to say goodbye.

Word count: 681


Short chapter cos I got to go watch I'm a celeb
Should I continue this?


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