{Chapter 8}

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I hope you come back home.

"I think the best thing we can do right now is wait for the DNA tests to come back" Addy says. I see Nate frown out the corner of my eye, and I'm sure Addy can too, but we both ignore it. It's the best thing we can do right now.

"Nate, we're not going to be able to do anything right this second. We'll get the results back in like, 4 hours." She whispers.

He stays silent, we all do.

"You think we should go back to the police after we get them? Maybe then they'll have to take us seriously." Nate looks up at me with a hard gaze, and I correct myself "that is, if it is her blood."

"If we go back, that dickheads probably going to arrest Nate for harassment. He said he would. We can't risk Nate getting in jail right now." Addy says.

"You should have let me hit him." Nate glares at me. I roll my eyes.

"He shouldn't have gotten away with what he said.

There's a knock on the door, and i jump, before realising it's probably just Janae. Not everyone's a murderer. Addy lifts herself up and leaves the room, and me and Nate stay silent as we hear the door open. But instead of hearing Janae's monotone voice, we hear a scream. Addy's.

"Addy!" Nate shouts, sprinting out. I follow quickly behind him, and see Addy standing in the doorway to the outside of her house.

I don't think it's Janae.

"Addy? What happened?" Nate goes to stand by her, where she's staring at a spot on the ground. Nate follows her eyes, and i see them widen as he takes a sharp breath in.

"Shit." Is all he says, taking a step forward off her front step. He bends over and picks up a small, rectangular object and-

Oh my god. A piece of paper.

And I can clearly see the initials at the bottom of the page.


Nates eyes scan over the paper, mouthing the words silently. After he's done, he silently hands it over to us and me and Addy read it together.

She's not dead yet,
But I can't promise she'll get out alive.
I'll be nice, here's a piece of her you can keep forever.

We both look back to Nate to see what we've been given. It's a piece of cardboard with thick, dried scarlet splashed all over it.


I'm lying in bed, but it's almost impossible to get to sleep. We have school tomorrow, well me and Addy do, it's not like Nate's going to show up after everything.

After 2 hours of lying in the darkness and silence, i turn over and pick up my phone. I scroll through my contacts until I find the one I've been dying to text ever since I walked away with tears on my face, all because we couldn't manage to work it out.

Hey i text.

Read at 02:36am

No answer.

I flip over into my pillow, and I hear a text ring out. I jump out and open my phone, but it's not him. It's Addy.

You awake?

Obviously i text back

Nate has the results. He wants to wait for us to open them. Can you come over to mine?

Oh my god. I forgot.

Of course. Coming now

I put on a hoodie and jeans and put my phone in my pocket, before opening my window and dropping out. All the way to Ads' house I'm torn between thoughts of Bronwyn and Kris.

I knock on the door and she lets me in. The rest is a blur until me, Addy, Nate and Janae are all sitting in a circle on the carpet.

(Ik this probs isn't how dna test results come back but oh well it's for the story)

Nate holds the envelope, taking a deep breath before slowly opening it and pulling out a letter. He skims it quickly and his hand flies to cover his mouth and his eyes become glassy.

That can only mean one thing.

It's hers.


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