{Chapter 13 bitch}

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I remember it all too well.

Before I can even comprehend (fancy word) what I'm doing, there's glass scattered around me and the bloods dripping off my hands and face. The pain kicks in, but I feel no regret.

She was stabbed because of you, you can take a scar for her life.

I hear footsteps halt to a stop behind me, and I turn to see dark, concerned eyes staring in mine. Not in mine, actually. At mine.

"Oh fuck. ADDY" Cooper yells. Addy comes rushing into the room, takes on look at my eye, and faints. It's so stereotypical it's almost funny. But I'm not thinking about that right now, only the fact I'm wincing over a single gash while Bronwyn's being put through even more. My chest aches at the thought of this, more than the dripping cut across my eye.

The scar is long, and horizontal against my eye, I can feel the blood dripping, and I can't see through that scar. I know the knife didn't hit my actual eye, but the blood dripping through is enough to block my vision. It was for a Simon Says, obviously.

I wonder how long it's going to take until one of us dies.

If I were a gambler, I'd bet a month. Tops.

Thing is, when you get into a game, you can't stop playing when it gets dangerous. You're addicted, and there's no way of going back. No matter what.

Somehow, In the blink of an eye, Janae and Maeve have appeared out of nowhere. Maeve takes one look at my eye, and steps back nervously. Cooper emptys the draws in the room with shaking hands, looking for god knows what, while Janae dampens a wet paper towel and holds it against my eye, gesturing for me to sit down.

I don't see why they're making a big deal, when we should be looking for Bronwyn.

I take the tissue off Janae and hold it against my eye, waving my hand toward Addy, who's still awkwardly lying on the floor. Janae runs toward Addy and shakes her, patting her lightly. When this is unsuccessful, these pats turn to hard slaps, until Addy wakes up clutching her face. It's bright red on one side, a big contrast to the ghostly paleness on the other.

"What? What!" Addy looks around, looking dazed, until her eyes land on me and she falls back again.

"Oh, fuck me." Janae sighs sarcastically.

I don't think my eye can be that bad.

"Nate, I think we got to take you to the hospital. You're gonna need stitches."

(That's a banging song)

"There's no way I'm going there." I say, hoping my voice conveys finality. When Cooper raises his eyebrows, I realise there's no way out.

"Coop, if I go there, they're going to question what happened. And if they find out about all this, In whatever way, Bronwyn's going to die."

Even though it never confirmed it in the note or texts, it's obvious. If anyone finds out about this, she's screwed.

"We can't risk it."

He looks at me worriedly.

"If we don't take you, it could get infected."

I smile at him weakly.

"I'd rather die than put her life at risk." I say.

And that ends it.

"Okay, but keep that over it and wash it all the time, okay? And if it gets any worse, you're getting it checked out."

I nod.

"Alright, Boy Scout."

He grins at me, and I feel a sudden rush of affection for Cooper Clay. I would never have guessed.

Half an hour later, Maeve and Janae leave. So it's just us three again. The original Bayview 4, without the "brain".

We're nothing without her, really. None of us are,


Im so sorry it took me longer than I said to write this chapter, I've had some shit to deal with sooo 😭

I can't promise that I won't go into yet another writing slump after this, but I'll try my best to have another chapter out by Wednesday. Also, if this story's losing the plot a bit, I promise it will get better. I just have to get into the interesting part around the middle lol.

Vote or Addy dies <3

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