{Chapter 7}

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All that you ever wanted from me was sweet nothing.

I don't know where i am.

All I remember is waking up in this dark room, alone. I had a headache and I could barely see, my vision was that blurred. I couldn't remember anything that had happened since I left Keely to go get some decorations from the back. All I can think of after that is darkness.

I've been here for about 3 days now. I wonder if anyone will ever find me, or if I'll be stuck here, alone, until I die. I wonder if Nate's looking for me. Or if he even notices I've gone.

Or even worse, he has noticed and doesn't care, he's moved on to someone else. Maybe Addy. I wouldn't blame him.

Maybe everyone will be happier if I never go back.


I feel the lavender haze creeping up on me

I really took advantage of her, didn't i? Even when she was right there in front of her, i hooked up with Fiona and I didn't even tell her. She shouldn't have had to be the one to bring it up. And now she's not even here anymore. She could be dead. Or maybe she ran away on purpose, faked her death to get away from me. I wouldn't blame her.

I was such a bad boyfriend to her, she deserves so much better than me. Maybe none of this had happened if i hadn't been with her.

"He's in his own world again." I hear someone mumble beside me. I turn my head to see no other than Addy Prentiss shaking her head at me, and Cooper looking at me from behind the seat.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I say, blinking to try and bring myself back to reality.

"I said, we're here." She rolls her eyes and opens the car door, making her way toward the building. Me and Cooper follow, and we stand outside for a minute just like all those weeks ago. I hear Addy take a deep breath before swinging open the door, walking in with her usual confidence. I look at Cooper before we both enter, and we go straight over to the desk with a miserable looking police man sitting behind.

(Okay i know usually this wouldn't happen and police would have to investigate into the video but that's not the point of this story so they ain't gonna help)

"Hi" Addy says "We're here to show you something."

"A confession?" The policeman smirks.

"What do you mean?" Addy asks, her face hardening.

"I just mean for the fact you killed Fiona Jennings." He says.

"We did not." She says angrily, stepping toward the desk. I grab her and pull her back before she can do anything she'll regret.

"We have something you need to see." Cooper says, stepping to where Addy was before and taking my phone out of my hand. He unlocks it and goes onto my camera roll, and I feel a wave of sadness overcome me when i see the multiple pictures of Bronwyn and of the both of us together before he clicks onto the video. I close my eyes and cover my ears, not wanting to hear her screams again.

I know they're going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

After around 15 seconds, i open up my eyes to see the guy laughing.

"You think this is funny?" Addy gives him the deadliest stare I've ever seen.

"No, i think your story is funny. This is so obviously made up, and even if it wasn't, you really think we'd help you? Girl seemed like a bitch anyway." Before I can process what I'm doing, i run behind the desk, raising my fist, but just as I'm about to hit him, Cooper pulls me back.

"Nate, stop. We can't have you get arrested." He says, glaring at the policeman.

"No, we can't, then you can't make up anymore obviously fake stories about your bitch of a girlfriend." He mocks "She so obviously killed Jake and framed Fiona."

I try my hardest to get myself out of Coopers grip. I can't let him get away with that. I don't care what happens to me, he deserves whatever's coming his way. But he's too strong.

"Now get out of here before I arrest you for harassment." He says, taking an obnoxious sip of his coffee.

We turn and leave.

"So, what now?" Cooper asks.

"We have to find her ourselves." I say.

"Well, obviously, but how?" He says.

"I don't know. But I'm not just giving up on her this easily." Or at all..

"Okay, we've found out about Jake and Simon Says, surely we can do this as well." Addy says

"Addy, text Janae. Tell her everything that's happened." I say. She nods and pulls out her phone.

"I know she betrayed us, but I think our biggest chance is to get Maeve back. Especially since we don't have Bronwyn any longer." Cooper says, biting his lip.

Addy looks up quickly, looking In his direction.

"What?" He says.

"I don't know how we can trust her after everything that happened. I can see where you're coming from, but she almost got us all killed." She says.

They both look at me. I don't know what to say. I know Maeve went behind our backs and all, but I can't hate her after everything she did for us, especially for getting Fiona to delete the video.

But at the same time, I don't know how we can trust her again.

"I don't know." I say. I don't know anything anymore. And i hate it. I'm slowly falling apart without her here.

sorry it's taken so long I've been to busy and had no motivation at all but I'm back!! Tysm for so many reads my minds gone blank so I can't remember how many BUT TY LOVE YA ILL TRY TO POST MORE NOW BYEEE.

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