{Chapter 10}

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Of course it was positive, I knew it would be. It just didn't feel real.

We're still at Addy's, just sat in silence as we take it in, until a loud text tone cuts through the quiet. Through all 4 of our phones. We all look at each other, not wanting to see what it was, until I take my phone out my pocket and everyone crowds around me, looking expectantly at my Home Screen.

Simon says do what I say
Or else she dies.
The first player will be contacted shortly.

"Not this again" Addy mutters angrily from the corner. I can't speak, put her words run around my head. Not this again.

The same as before, except this time, the outcome of us losing is even worse.

Even though none of us want to do this, we have to. We can't let Bronwyn die, we can't lose her. Murder club is incomplete without her.

"So this.. and the blood that was sent to us?" Cooper says. We haven't spoken about the envelope since we found it. It's too daunting to even think about and talking about it makes it real. I don't want any of this to be real. But it is.

"Yeah." That's all I say, slumping even further onto the floor.

"So what do we do? Do we just play the game? Again?" Addy whispers.

"We have to." I say.

She nods and we fall into silence again, and I can feel myself drifting off to sleep until I'm woken by a sharp beep.

I look at my phone - no text - and I look around at the others. No one says anything, until Addy picks up her phone and gasps.

"Oh my god." She says, and I worry it's something bad until she says "it's not so bad."

She drops her phone to the floor and stands up, making her way toward her makeup desk. She takes a hair curler out a bag and turns it on, and I watch her confused as she waits for it to heat up. Is she really doing her hair at a time like this? Then she presses the iron - hard - against her neck, she yelps and leaves it there for a few seconds before taking it away. Her face is twisted in pain but she smiles as she sits back down.

"That wasn't too bad." She says.

"I'll go get you some ice." Janae says, standing up and going down to the kitchen.

"You alright?" I say. I've never experienced burning myself with a curler, so I wouldn't know.

"Yeah, fine." She says. She seems fine so I leave it at that. Janae comes back with some ice wrapped in a thin towel, and Addy holds it against the scarlet mark.

"Hopefully all the dares will be easy like that." Cooper says, but I can tell by the look on his face he doesn't believe it. Neither do I - there's no way Simon Says will let us all get off that easy.

"How long will we have to do this for? For all we know, whoever Simon Says is might never even bring Bronwyn back and we'll be stuck doing these stupid dares for the rest of our lives. We don't even know that Bronwyn's not dead already." Janae says, tugging on their hair.

"Positive thought of the day, Janae." Addy says, rolling her eyes.

"Even if we don't know she's not dead, we can't risk it. We can't let her die." I say.

"Bronwyn wouldn't let any of us die so easily, we have to do the same. For her." Addy tells Janae. They nod.

"I know that, of course. Im just saying. I think we need whoever Simon Says is to prove that Bronwyn's still actually alive. And, possibly, to bring her back after a while if we do everything right?"

"I think we need to accept the fact that we're not getting Bronwyn back unless we find her ourselves." Cooper says. That's exactly what I've been thinking and I'm glad he said it before I had to.

"How?" Addy asks.

Cooper narrows his eyes, and I jump in. "We do whatever we're told to for now. That's all we can do before we figure something out."

I see Cooper glance at Janae nervously for a second, and I know exactly what he's about to say. "I think we need to consider getting Maeve back. She's our best chance right now." He says, but before he can even finish Janae cuts in. "Definitely not. You know what happened last time - she almost got us all killed! There's no way we can trust her again."

"Janae, we need to put that behind us, just for a while, if we're going to have better luck and finding Bronwyn." I say. They roll their eyes angrily, and I choose to ignore it for now.

"Should we do a vote? Bring Maeve back or not?" Cooper says. I nod and raise my hand, and Cooper does the same. I watch as Addy bites her lip and slowly raises her hand, looking at Janae softly, who sighs.

"I really hope you're right."




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