{Chapter 9} (i think)

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There is nothing I do better than revenge.

I run up to my room. I can't be down here any longer, or else I know I'll spill. And I know that's not going to help us right now.

It's her blood.

I knew it would be, of course. I was the one who told this new Simon Says to do it. How could I do that to my own sister? What if she's dead now, just because I was mad at her. The more I think about it, the more I realise she had every right to hate me. I went behind their backs and almost got them all killed, all because I wanted a vote. I'm a traitor.

Now, i might have actually gotten her killed. I can't get that thought out of my head.

She could be dead, because I'd paid someone to hurt her. I'm that bad of a sister.

I've tried to track the burner phone, but nothing much has come out of it. It's really hard off of that thing. I've been trying and trying, but I can't find anything at all. I haven't slept since she's gone, and my parents are worried. Even with their daughter missing, they still manage to sleep properly every night.

It's like they don't care ever since she didn't get into Yale. I never realised it before, but now, that seems to be the only reason they actually cared.

I can't say much. I hired someone to hurt her. I just don't want her to die alone, wherever she is, feeling like no one actually cares about her. I do. I don't know why I did it. I was jealous, because our parents always put her getting into Yale above me? Mad because she was understandably upset? I don't know.

I know I should go downstairs right now. Tell my parents everything I know, tell Nate, Addy and everyone else what I know? But I can't bring myself to. It's selfish, i know, but I just can't. Not after everything. I'm still hoping that Janae will come around and forgive me, and i don't want to make her hate me anymore than she already does.

Though, Addy and Janae seem to be getting closer and closer. I don't think I have a chance anymore.

I open my draw and pull out the many pens and pieces of paper, until I get to the burner phone below.

This isn't funny anymore. Just bring her back, please. I'll pay you as much as you need.

I wait for a response, but the phone beeps just as i set it down.

Simon says no.

I groan I'm frustration. I didn't want this to happen.

Please. I just want her back. She doesn't deserve any of this.

Maybe you should have thought about that before hiring me to do this. You could join me, Maeve. Get back at your sister for everything she's ever done to you. It will be worth it, i promise. We could do this together. Ruin her life, traumatise her forever,  for everything she's done. She's turned all your friends and your girlfriend against you Maeve. She deserves everything that's happening.

I throw the phone on my bed, putting my head in my hands.

Another beep.

Come on Maevey. It will be fun.

I pace around my room, trying to get my thoughts together, before turning back around and picking up the phone again.


Ima go write another chapter from Nate's pov now anyway byebyeeeee.


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