{Chapter 3}

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Your on your own kid, you always have been.

The darkness slips away and my eyes slowly open. I don't know what woke me up, but I never usually wake up in the middle of the night for no reason. As my eyes adjust to the darkness I look around to see if there's anything that's not normal, or if Lucas has snuck into my room to steal clothes. Nothing. Weird.

I lean over to check the time on my phone, and I see 4 missed calls and 9 texts from Addy. I'm still half asleep as I open the texts, and it took a couple seconds to process what she'd said.

My house
Get on
We need to meet now
Come on

I squint at the weird texts. What could be so important that we have to meet up at quarter past 2 in the morning?

I jump up and throw on a green hoodie and jeans, and walk down the stairs as lightly I can, avoiding that one loud step. I quickly put my shoes on and quietly open the door, pulling it closed behind me and pacing across the street toward Addy's. I've been here enough times before I've remembered the way off by heart.

When I approach, I can see Nate's motorcycle parked in the driveway, and Janae's car on the street. Are we having a party?

I don't think so.

I ring the doorbell three times and it opens to reveal Addy in the doorway, looking exhausted wearing a grey t-shirt and shorts.

"Addy, what's happening?"

She just sighs and leads me inside, into her bedroom, where Janae's sitting on her pink bed, looking extremely out of place.

Nate's sitting cross legged on the floor, his head leaning against the bed. He's staring into the distance with a faraway look in his glassy eyes, and I know I should ask him if he's okay, but I don't know how to without it being extremely awkward. It's not like we're close.

"So, are you going to tell us why we're here now Addy?" Janae narrows their eyes.

Without saying a word, she pulls out a small, circular item from her pocket, along with a piece of paper.

I don't understand the significance, I don't even know what that thing is, but Nate jumps up with his eyes wide open. He runs across the room to where Addy's standing and grabs the ring out of her hand.


"Shit" is all he says in a quiet voice, running his finger over the object.

"What is it?" I ask.

"It's B's ring. I found it on my driveway with this note." Addy says shortly, passing the piece of paper to me.

You thought it was over?
I'm only just getting started.

My mouth hangs open and I take a sharp breath inwards.

"What is it?" Nate snatches the note out of my hands. I watch his reaction as he reads, his eyes even wider than they were before. His eyes fill up and his mouth tightens into a thin line.

Nate Macauley never cries.

Addy seems to notice this as well and crosses the room to put her arm around his shoulders. Well, waist. She can't really reach that high.

Janae's been quiet since I got here, and when I look over she's playing with her cross necklace she always seems to have on. I can tell she doesn't want to say anything yet, and she's still processing what's happened, so I don't speak to her.

Nates tightened his grip around the ring now, stroking his thumb against her initials she had engraved into it. I feel terrible for him, I think we all know it's not going to end well if anything happens to Bronwyn.

"We'll find her, Nate. I promise." Janae says, a concerned look in their eye.

I know that's a promise she can't keep, but I don't say a thing.

"And it might not even be Bronwyn blood at the scene. It could still just be a coincidence, or just whoever this new Simon Says is trying to scare us, who knows?" They continue.

"Even if your right, something bad still happened to her for this to be happening. I knew I shouldn't have left her. Now she could be dead." Nate sniffs.

"Hey, it's not your fault." Addy says.

Nate doesn't say anything, just stares down at the ring with that glassy gaze.

After a couple minutes of silence, Janae leaves, saying they needed to get back before their dad woke up for work.

It's just the three of us in here now, me Addy and Nate, almost the original murder club. We just need Bronwyn here.

"She doesn't deserve any of this. She's never done anything to deserve this. It should have been me." Nate says quietly, gently sliding back down the the floor and sitting there.

"Don't say that Nate, you don't deserve it either." I say, walking over and sitting down next to him. Addy sits on his other side, and for the rest of the night we stay like that. The three of us awake and alone in the world.

Another chapter done 873 words in this one yesss.
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