{Chapter 4}

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It's me, hi, I'm the problem, it's me.

I think it's my fault.

Everything, all of this, it's all because of what I did, Bronwyn's disappeared because of what I did.

I really thought I was doing the right thing when I pretended to help Fiona, Maybe I was doing the right thing, but it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to.

If Bronwyn hadn't realised the gun was gone when she did, me and Addy would be dead right now. Maybe even all the others would be dead, all because I'd wanted to be noticed. Bronwyn got stabbed because of me. She went through the pain of having a knife twisted into her heart because of my mistakes, lucky to be alive.

This time, she might not have been so lucky.

The blood all over her necklace she never took off.

We're hopefully getting the results back by tonight to see if it's her blood, it's 8am and she still isn't back. No one has seen her since yesterday and we're all worried.

I haven't spoken to any of them since I went behind their backs. Especially not Janae, I've tried to apologise to her, but she won't even look at me anymore. I had it coming, but it doesn't make it hurt any less.

Nates the only one who's not completely mad at me, the only one who still seems to care about me in some way, but now I've gone and taken the best thing that ever happened to him away.

It's not because of what I did to them when I went behind their backs with Fiona. I did something else. Something worse.

And it could have cost Bronwyn's life, all because I was annoyed at her. I was selfish and I thought they were overreacting, so I did what I did, knowing what would happen.

Now, I regret it more than anything.

In my defence, I didn't know it would go this far, I was told she'd be back in time for no one to have noticed. I just wanted her to go through what I went through, which was stupid of me. Because now this has gone too far, and I don't even know what's happening to her.

I walk over to my bed and search for the burner phone I've hidden in the sheets. When it's in my hands, I open it up and use my shaking hands to text the only contact on there. Along with the 24 other messages that are sent, unread, to them.

Where is she? You told be she'd be back by now.

I throw it back down on the bed, not expecting an answer, and stumbling toward the door, when I hear a text sound come from behind me.

I turn and almost run back, grabbing the phone and clicking onto the 1 message sent.

Shes with me. She's not dead.

I know I shouldn't trust them, they could be lying and she could be dead on the cold hard ground right now, but I breathe out a sigh of relief anyway.

For now.

My eyes widen as my mouth hangs open.

I know I should tell Nate or Addy, or Janae. The police.

But I know they'd never forgive me, I know it's all my fault and if I tell them I don't even know what will happen to me.

You said you wouldn't kill her. You said you were only going to scare her. I only paid you to hurt her.

?: That was the original plan, but she saw my face Maeve.

?: Don't worry, no extra charge :)

Bring her back now.

?: I can't let her come back alive. She'll tell everyone who I am.

Who are you?

No reply.

I'm a horrible sister. I paid someone I don't even know the identity of to torture my sister, and now they're doing this. She could be dead in the next 24 hours, alone and isolated. All because of me.

What If she had to relive getting stabbed again? But dying this time, because there's no one there to help her live. No one there to motivate her to wake up.

Or she just gave up. Not knowing if she'd get out of there dead or alive.

It would break Nate, the only person who hasn't hated me in the last month. To take away his girlfriend, his whole world. I can tell how much she meant to him.


She's not dead yet. I have a chance to find her. I can try and trace the texts back to unknown, but it would be hard since it's a burner phone.

I still have a chance of finding my sister. I still have a chance to fix this.


Love ya bye

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