{Chapter 2}

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But it's coming down, no sound, it's all around, like snow on the beach

I don't know what to think anymore.

It's like we have this weird dpattern of things being bad, thinking something good has come out of it then everything just collapses again.

I was sure that it was all a coincidence at first. But it's been 10 hours and no ones heard from her, and that with the fact that her necklace was right there, makes me doubt myself.

Im trying to stay positive, not just for me, but for all of us.

Especially Nate.

I can't remember the last time Nate was so happy since Bronwyn came, I don't think he ever was. If anything happens to her, I know it would eat away at him for the rest of his life. Blame himself for not being there at the time. Maybe he'd even quit his job at Victors, go back to drugs, get caught, and spend the rest of his life in a cell.

I don't think he'd even care.

It's 2am right now and I can't sleep, it's impossible. A cold blow of air comes through my window and hits me, and I jump up to close it.

In the couple of seconds it took for me to close the window, I see a man pacing away from my house. He looks suspicious. But maybe that's just me, I'm certainly overthinking everything lately. Maybe he's just a perfectly normal person walking home, probably.

Still, I lock the window to be sure.

As I make my way back to the window, my phone buzzes. I glance at the name on the screen. Janae.


My fingers hesitate over the screen, and I don't know why. It's not like they said anything life changing.


I finally type back, not knowing why their texting me in the middle of the night

Can't sleep.

I don't have the energy to type, so instead I call them. It doesn't even take half a ring until I see Janae's messy blonde hair and tired eyes pop up on the screen.

"Oh god, I look a mess." They laugh, and turn their camera off straight away.

I look at myself in the small square where my face fills the screen. I can't say much right now. My hairs sticking up and my mascara that I couldn't be bothered to wash off earlier has rubbed all around my eyes.

"We all do." I smile warily, and turn my camera off aswell. A voice call is fine.

We just sit in silence for a couple of minutes, as I stare up at the ceiling. It's not awkward, just peaceful.

"Do you think Bronwyn's okay?" Janae says quietly, breaking the silence.

"I don't know."

A tear runs down my cheek.

"She has to be. It's Bronwyn Rojas we're talking about, and we both know that she's not going to let any psycho kill her until she's completed everything she wants to do in life." She says affectionately.

"Fuck Nate Macauley" I laugh, and the tension fades away for half a second as they laugh with me.

"And she's the strongest person i know. I'm sure she'll be fine."


I hear a loud bang outside my window, and I jump.

"What was that" Janae asks. Obviously she heard it down the phone as well, it was that loud.

"I have absolutely no idea" I push myself off my bed and slowly walk over to the window, not wanting to get too close.

What if it's the same person that possibly took Bronwyn?

I open my curtain reluctantly, squeezing my eyes shut, waiting for something to jump at me. But it doesn't.

I look out the window, and the streets empty, nothing has changed since I last looked.

I scan the road one last time before drawing back to close my curtain again, assuming it was a cat or something. A very loud cat.

I see a glint on the path in front of my house, and I squint to see closer. That definitely wasn't there before.

"Hang on, don't end the call" I say to Janae.

I slowly make my way down the stairs to the door, the same door I got "kidnapped" by Keely and Vanessa, and slowly open the door.

What if it's a trap?

It's fine, I've got Janae on the phone with me. They'll hear if anything happens.

The cold air hits me in the face when I open the door, and I make my way slowly over to where I saw the glint before. I can't tell what it is until I get closer.

It's Bronwyn's ring.

I recognise it instantly. I went with her to buy it with her after she got released from the hospital and we went out together. She hasn't taken it off since the day she bought it.

Until now.

There's a piece of paper being held down from the wind with a pebble right next to it.

You thought it was over?
I'm only just starting


If u enjoyed pls vote cos I need motivation 😏😏

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