{Chapter 11}

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I'm in the middle of preparing for a science test tomorrow when my phone rings. I turn the cover over, expecting it to be one of my parents, and I'm surprised to see Nate's name with a picture of Stan on my screen. I haven't spoken - to Nate at all since since the boat, and I never expected him to.

My fingers hover over the green accept button, but it takes all my strength to press it. When I do, i distinctly hear Addy speaking in the background. I hear Nate shush her before he speaks.

"Hi Maeve!" He says, almost sounding casual, as if the last few weeks never happened.

"Hello?" I say, confused.

"Mind coming over to Addy's for a while?"


"Erm.. what for?" I ask, looking at my clock. It's 12:30 - the middle of the night.

"We need your help. I'll explain more when you get here, if, i mean."

"Okay." I almost whisper. The line cuts off and I creep down the stairs, trying not to make a noise. I quickly pull on my trainers and open the door.

I sprint to Addy's as fast as i can, feeling an overwhelming surge of guilt. This is my fault, and here I am running to Addy Prentiss' house to help as though I'm completely innocent. I keep trying to tell myself that she deserved it, that it's her fault for ruining my life. But I know that's not true. She had every right to be mad at me - it's mostly my fault she was stabbed.

I push these thoughts out my mind as i concentrate on getting to Addy's, and when i reach the door I hesitate. I shouldn't be here, i should be in prison for setting up my own sisters disappearance.

I knock and wait for an answer. What feels like hours, but is probably seconds later, then door creaks open. And when I see who it is, I'm overwhelmed with feelings all at once.


Once i finally bring myself to open the door, and I see her face, i almost can't breathe. I don't know why, i thought I'd gotten over her finally. But apparently not.

I don't speak, just turn around and lead her into the bedroom where the others are all waiting. Addy's biting her lip, Nates tapping his foot nervously and coopers attempting a smile in Maeve's direction. You can almost see the tension in the room, and I hate it. Even when we were all being blackmailed and tortured, it was never this bad.

This chapter is Litch so short but I need to go like rn and I haven't updated in agesss so I thought I'd just give you a little bit.

Also I HATE Maeve and Janae together with a passion so I don't really want to make them get back together in this fic but if the majority of people want me to have them together I will comment on this and tell me what u want I'd rather write Janaddy but oh well..

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