{Chapter 5}

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Turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you

The sun wakes me up the next morning and I look around, not knowing where I am. The walls are pink and white and I'm leaning against a massive, colourful bed.

It takes a moment for me to realise I'm at Addy's. I must have fell asleep there after what had happened, and as I turn my head I see Cooper did as well. Addy's sprawled across the carpet in the middle of the room, and Coopers back is slumped against the wardrobe. We were all obviously exhausted.

I stumble to my feet and put my hand inside my pocket, checking the ring was still in there. The cool metal touches my finger and I take it out, looking down at the initials scratched into it.

I check the time on my phone. 11:43am, less than 10 hours until we get the DNA results back. I close my eyes and lean against the wall, running my fingers through my hair. I'd give anything for the blood to not be hers, but I know it will be. The ring and the necklace would be too much of a coincidence now for it not to be.


I look over and see Addy's now sat up, watching me with intense eyes.

"Morning." I say, walking over and sitting against the wall next to her. I see the white piece of paper on her desk, the ink slightly smudged from the rain. The rings still clutched in my hand, and im not planning of letting go of it.

That grey circle might be the only piece I have left of her.

No it's not. She's not dead.

"Should we wake up Cooper?" She asks.

I look over at him. His positioning doesn't look very relaxed, but his face looks peaceful somehow.

"He's tired. We should just leave him to sleep for a bit longer."

She nods, and we fall into silence. It's not awkward, just calm.

That's until a sound comes from the other side of the room. Cooper shifts and opens his eyes slowly, sitting himself up. He looks over to where me and Addy are sitting with tired, distant eyes.

"Oh. Why didn't you wake me up?" He mumbles quietly.

"You looked so peaceful, we didn't want to disturb you." Addy says with a small smile. She pats the space next to her, and Cooper stumbles over weakly.

"Has anything happened?" He asks.

"No, me and Nate only woke up about 10 minutes ago."


I drift off into my thoughts again as Addy and Cooper go into conversation. It's the memories coming back again.

The fake snow gently falling on our heads, the snow she bought me to see because that's just who she is. I remember looking at her face. I love her smile, her eyes, her hair. Everything about her.
It was one of my worst fears, telling her I loved her. But I don't regret a second of it.
Kissing her, just like I'd wanted to since we were kids. Even in the freezing cold air, it sent a warm sense all around me. Her lips were soft and warm against mine, the back of her neck cold when I touched It. I pulled back, and she looked up and smiled at me. She looked so pretty in that moment, as I suggested we get out of there, and how she felt tucked tightly underneath my arm, her head resting against my shoulder.

My thoughts are interrupted when theres a buzzing in my pocket. I pull out my phone to see a message from an unknown number.


There's an uneasy feeling in my stomach as I enter my password and it loads onto to a video from unknown. I don't want to click it, in case it's something I don't want to see. But I know I have to.

As I press onto the attachment, I see a head of messy, dark curls at the side of the screen. I can't see the face, but I know that hair anywhere. I can hear screaming and sobbing, and I can hear the shouts of a man telling her to shut up faintly over those traumatising, heartbreaking screams. I hear slamming sounds, as the hair disappears off the screen.

Replaced with a pool of blood.

And whoever was filming laughs. A evil, loud laugh I never want to hear again.

I never want to hear any of that again. They're hurting her. She's in pain, and there's nothing I can do about it. I've failed her. They're torturing a kind, sweet, innocent girl, a girl who doesn't deserve any of this.

I feel my breath getting heavy and my vision blurring, as Addy and Cooper suddenly appear by my side. Coopers running my shoulder, and Addy's asking me what happened. I can't fully register the words though, as I feel the tears escape my eyes and run down my face.

And the screams and sobs of the best thing that ever happened to me echos around my ears.


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