..Chapter 1 : The Start..

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"GRIAN!!" An angry voice calls out.

"Hm?" Grian looks up from the redstone he was trying to do. Impulse had shown him how to make this particular machine a few hours earlier.

"YOU BLEW UP MY BUILD!!" The person shouts.

Grian looks around, trying to figure out who was yelling, he then sees Xisuma Void approaching.

"Hey X-eye-suuuma Voide!" Grian jokes with a smile, as he purposefully mispronounces the admins name.

"SHUT IT!!" Xisuma yells and throws his enchanted trident at him.

"OW-!! HEY!? WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" Grian quickly grabs his arm where the trident had hit him, even despite his efforts to dodge the attack. His crimson red sweater quickly became a darker blood red.

"YOU BLEW UP THE BUILD THAT TOOK ME MONTHS!!" Xisuma screamed angrily.

Grian had no clue what he's talking about.

"Wha-? When..?"

Xisuma starts getting angrier with Grian.


Grian became even more confused. He hasn't been online in a week or two.

"I haven't had time to do that though.." Grian tries to explain.

"LIER!! ONLY YOU HAVE TNT!!" Xisuma only gets angrier.

"But I-" Grian was cut off before he could finish his sentence.

"You shouldn't have joined Hermitcraft.." Xisuma mumbles under his breath, but he was just loud enough for Grian to hear.

X leaves Grian alone to deal with his wound.

Grian reluctantly starts flying to his base, while still trying to stop the bleeding of his arm. He was a ways away from the base, so he started panicking when he couldn't stop it.

He lands on the ground and rips his other sleeve, then ties it around his wound. This would put pressure on it while he was busy focusing on flying.

He resumes his fly and makes it back to his base. He goes in, and heads straight to his storage unit that Mumbo built for him.

He was committed this season to at least try his best to keep the chest monster away. So, Mumbo built a storage unit for him, and showed him how to make one himself for future seasons.

He pulled up the potion shulker box and opened it. He pulled out a ruby red potion, swirling with lighter red and green, he popped the cork off the bottle, little green plus signs float out of the bottle. He drinks the liquid, which stops the bleeding, and gets some bandages inside the shulker box. Grian removes the make-shift bandages of his other sleeve and then his sweater. He wipes the blood off the injury and wraps it up.

He walks over to his closet and grabs a spare sweater.

"Never should have.." Grian mumbles as he puts the new sweater on, trying to comprehend what X said just moments before.

Grian grabs some extra redstone materials and leaves his base, trying to not think of the admin.

-479 Words-

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