..Chapter 14 : Calming Down..

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Grian becomes panicked as he sees Scar and shoves Scar away, backing away himself.

Scar falls off the bed and hits his head on the chest nearby.

"SCAR-!" Grian starts panicking when he hears the loud thud Scar's head made on the chest.

Grian runs to the side of this bed, looking off and seeing Scar sitting up and holding his head.

"Ow-" Scar says, standing up and looking at Grian, still worried.

"S-SCAR- I- I'm so sorry! I- I di-" Grian gets cut off by Scar hugging him.

"It's alright G.." Scar says quietly, holding Grian closer.

"B-but I.. I hurt you.. I- I might do it a-" Grian gets cut off again.

"You didn't do it on purpose.. and you certainly won't do it again.." Scar comfortably rubs Grian's back as he speaks.

Grian started crying in Scars arms and the voices got quieter and quieter, until they were eventually gone.

It was just Scar and Grian in the room, PB had left and went to Jellie.

-After Grian calmed down-

"What.. happened..?" Scar asks, finally letting go of Grian

"I.." Grian just went back to being in Scars arms. He like it there.. it was comfortable and warm.

Scar couldn't help but smile a bit and held Grian there.

"They.. they got loud.." Grian said quietly.

"Who?" Scar asks confused.

"The.." Grian hesitates, but figures that Scar already knows more about him than anyone else really, so it wouldn't hurt.

"Voices.." Grian finishes, burying head in Scars chest.

"Oh.." Scar sounded like he understood what Grian was saying " Well, what were they saying?" Scar asks rubbing Grian's shoulder.

"All kinds of things.." Grian mumbled.

"What did they sound like..?" Scar asks trying to get more information about the voices.

"At first.. unknown voices.. then Watchers I met.. then.. basically everyone I know.." Grian is hesitant to tell Scar but does so anyways. Maybe Scar can help him..

"Alright.. alright.." Scar looks out the window, it was too dark to see anything out there.

"I.." Grian was going to say something, but decided not to.

"We're going to Xisuma as soon as there's light outside.. alright Grian..?" Scar decides and asks Grian if that was ok with him as well.

Grian nods, already half asleep in Scars arms.

"I'm going to my room ok..?" Scar says with a solemn smile.

Grian grabs Scar's sleeve as he gets up to leave. Scar turns around, still wearing the same smile.

"Don't.. go.. please.." Grian says, still half asleep.

"Alright G.." Scar laughs a bit, picks up Grian and lies down in the bed, laying Grian beside him.

Grian immediately curls up against Scars chest and falls asleep.

Scar chuckles at his small friend, falling asleep as well.

Neither of them knew.. what was going to happen when they woke up..

-444 Words-

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