..Chapter 3 : Well, That Escalated Quickly..

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Ren pulled out his enchanted netherite sword and held it to Grians neck.

Grian tried to move his wings to push the angry hermit off him, but Ren was much bigger and stronger than he was.. and Ren was crushing Grians left wing on the ground, while having his right wing protect him from Ren crushing him.

"HOW COULD YOU BLOW UP MY BUILD!?" Ren held the sword so close to Grians neck that it was almost cutting him.

"I- I- it- M-MUMBO!" Grian couldn't think of anything to say in the moment, so he just yelled for Mumbo, hoping the redstonist will come and help him.

Mumbo had been zoned out, but came back when he realizes that his friend was calling his name out for help.

Mumbo started running in the direction of Grian and Ren, as he ran he got his diamond sword out. He had died before realizing his base was gone, so he only had his back-up stuff in his ender chest.

"YOU RUINED X'S BUILD, MUMBO AND I'S BASES!" Ren scowled at the bird in disgust.

Grian tried to reach for the netherite sword that was in his belt holster, granted, it wasn't enchanted so he wouldn't beat Ren in a fight, but it would be enough to fend him off, even for a second.

Where is it- Grian started panicking even more.. the sword wasn't in its holster.

"Looking for that..?" Ren says, gesturing towards Grian's sword that was a few blocks away from them. They knew it was defiantly too far for Grian to reach, so Ren didn't even try to push it away.

Grian looked up at Ren with fear in his eyes.

"GRIAN!?" Mumbo runs up and sees the sword to his friend's neck.

"Not any closer Mumbo, he's already caused enough damage.." Ren says, pushing the sword harder on Grian's neck, not breaking eye contact with the bird.

Grian felt terrified as Ren bent down, getting closer to Grian's face.

"You stupid.. explosive bird.. you.. you ruined it.." Ren's eyes filled with tears, the build probably meant a lot to him.. but his eyes where still filled with anger and rage.

Mumbo didn't know what to do, Grian just kept looking terrified.. he didn't like this situation at all..

"I- I- I-" Grian tried to find the words, but couldn't figure out what to say, even if he did.. or could, he wouldn't know HOW to say it, or if he even could. The sword on Grians throat kept getting pushed harder and harder against it.

"Ren.. get off Grian.. it wasn't him.." Mumbo tried to calmly explain to Ren.

Ren ignored Mumbo.

"Ren.. Get. Off him." Mumbo talked in a harsher tone.

"No." Ren's sword started drawing blood from Grian's neck.

Grian tried to back away, but Ren's other hand was behind his head, blocking him from backing away from the sword.

Mumbo quickly tossed his sword to the side and jumped at Ren, knocking him off Grian.

"GRIAN! RUN!" Mumbo yells to Grian, and he sees that Mumbo got a cut on his arm from Rens sword.

"B-Bu-" Grian gets cut off.

"NOW GRIAN!" Mumbo yells at his friend to run and save himself.

Grian does just that.

-528 Words-

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