We'll See

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I clenched my jaw as I scrolled through TMZ, seeing photos of Evan and Frances, captured throughout the week. Her instagram posts raved that she had a rich successful boyfriend who really knew how to make her feel good. Evan had accumulated a fan girl following, and none were happy with the way she was talking about him. I couldn't help but silently cheer them on as they roasted her personal page, littering her posts with outrageous comments.

"What are you looking at?" Austin leaned over my shoulder to glance at my phone screen, but I quickly powered it off.

"Nothing special, just reading some posts," I half-lied, smiling up at him and holding onto his hand. Austin and I had gotten undeniably close in the past week, opting to spend all of our free time together. We were in his one bedroom apartment for the first time, sitting on his sofa and watching a sci-fi movie on Netflix. He said it was his favourite film genre.

"Alright, you hungry? I'm ordering pizza," he got up off the sofa, and wandered over to the fridge, removing a mailed list of coupons for a local pizzeria.

I sat alone on the couch, picking at the skin around my thumb nail, suddenly processing how I felt for Evan. A week ago, I'd had said he wasn't over me, but now, I wasn't sure. I hadn't gotten a single call or text annoying me the past week, all I saw was paparazzi shots of him and his new fling.

I sunk back into the sofa, as Austin ordered pizza over the phone.


The night dragged a bit, it wasn't until 10pm that i finally mustered up the energy to get off the sofa and collect my belongings to head home.

"Why don't you stay over?" Austin asked hesitantly, "I mean, it doesn't have to be like that, but you know, it's late-  that's all," he barely managed to get the sentence out.

"I'm sorry, I have something on early tomorrow, gotta be home," I lied, kissing him on the cheek as he stood by me in the doorway to say goodbye.

"You sure? You want me to drop you?" Austin posed and I shook my head.

"That's really sweet but I wouldn't mind going for a walk," i said, waving him goodbye as I turned to walk down the hall.

"Goodnight Alex, text me when you're home," Austin called out to me as I pressed the button for the elevator. Dana and Elliot had decided to go away for the weekend, and they left me in charge of the apartment, I was looking forward to having some time to myself.

I stood waiting patiently for the elevator when my phone buzzed. My eyes widened when I saw Evan's contact, and a completely scrambled message.

whsr undong im outdie

I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to decipher what the text meant. Once I'd gotten to the ground floor and was on my way back to the apartment, I decided to call him.

He picked up in almost an instant.

"Heyyyy beautiful," he sounded drunk, his words drawn out and his pronunciation slurred.

"Evan what's wrong with you? I told you I can't do this," I said to him, biting down on my bottom lip as I continued walking.

He let out a laugh, "too bad, I'm here anyway," Evan replied.

"Here where?" I asked him, just as I'd finally approached my apartment building. Evan was standing outside, his phone to his ear.

I froze. He heard footsteps, and turned towards me, making eye contact. I couldn't run now, I'd look stupid.

"Alex! My baby, where have you been?" He asked me, coming towards me and falling into me, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and resting his chin on my head.

2: In Your Shadow - Evan Peters Where stories live. Discover now