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"You sure you don't want me to come in with you?" Evan held my hand from across the centre console, running his thumb across my knuckles.

We'd just pulled up outside my apartment complex for the first time in two days. As much as I loved dressing in Evan's shirts, I knew for uni I'd need my own clothes.

"No it's okay, I should be fine," I smiled at him, before getting out of the car and closing the door behind me.

"I'll be back in a moment!" I told Evan, waving at him as I made my way inside.

I couldn't stop fidgeting on the way up to my floor in the elevator, I was so nervous that either Elliot or Dana would be here. I wasn't sure how I'd cope with confrontation right now, and I was putting off fixing anything for that reason alone.

I stood by the front door, biting down on my bottom lip anxiously. I slipped the key into the lock and turned it softly, pushing open the door and going inside. It didn't seem like anyone was home, and a massive sigh of relief left my lips as I made my way to my bedroom.

"Oh my god!"

I froze, just as my hand met the door knob of my bedroom door. My heart beat loudly in my chest as I placed my ear to the door. It sounded like someone was in my bedroom. Without hesitating any further, I swung the bedroom door open, my mouth falling to floor as I saw what was happening in front of me.

Dana and Austin, in my bed, having sex.

My hands flew up to cover my mouth as they both stopped to look at me, Austin quickly scrambling off Dana and Dana sitting up.

I couldn't speak, none of us could. We were all just as shocked as the other. Until finally, Dana spoke.

"Uh Alex, it's not what it looks like," she said, getting out of the bed and sliding her panties on from the floor under my bedsheet that she'd wrapped around herself.

Austin stood in the corner of the room, cursing under his breath and staring down at the floor.

"It looks like you two," I pointed to them both, "are fucking in my fucking bed!"

They both remained quiet.

"What about Elliot? What the fuck is going on? Have you guys been doing this the whole time?" It dawned on me that Dana was in fact cheating on her long term boyfriend with Austin, a guy I had been seeing for the passed couple months.

"No!" They both replied in sync, looking up at eachother before Dana replied, "it's only been the last couple weeks,"

"Great. You know what? I wouldn't give a fuck if Elliot wasn't one of my good friends and if it wasn't happening in my fucking bed, that is feral, and if that's a big fuck you to me for getting back with Evan then so be it! Doesn't seem like you guys are as good and perfect as you make out either," I spat, "to think I was going to apologise to you, you're no fucking better than I am, you're worse! Now get the fuck out, I have to pack some of my shit," I pointed towards the door, both of them following my orders and leaving into the living room.

As I packed my things, my heart was pumping with adrenaline as I realised the severity of the situation, but mostly because I couldn't wait to tell Evan. My heart broke thinking of Elliot, he moved here with Dana and now she had been unfaithful to him, I didn't know what he'd do.

I dragged my suitcase and tote bag out in the living area and towards the front door.

"I'm staying with Evan for a week or two, you'll still get my rent," I mumbled, making eye contact with their shameful faces one last time before leaving the apartment.

Evan got out of the car when he saw me approaching, quickly scooping up my suitcase and tote and putting them in the car for me. I stayed quiet until we got into the car, when suddenly I couldn't hold it in anymore, and blurted, "guess what the fuck I just saw,"

"What?" Evan asked, his eyebrows raised in confusion.

"Dana and Austin fucking in my bed,"

Evan's eyes went wide, his mouth hanging open like he'd seen a ghost.

"Holy fucking shit," he cursed, letting out a small laugh in disbelief and staring out the window for a moment.

"I know right? What the fuck? Like what about Elliot? Why in my bed?" I had so many questions that I'm sure we shared.

"We have to tell him," Evan said, finally looking back at me.

I stayed silent, looking down at my fingernails.

When Evan was feeling composed enough to drive again, we headed back to his apartment.

"Of course we have to tell him, that's our friend Alex, I'm sure if I cheated on you and your friend saw it you'd want them to tell you," he said hypothetically, and I nodded my head in agreement.

"I think you're right, but we can't tell him over the phone. You'll have to meet up with him," I said to Evan, grabbing onto his hand as he drove.

"Can't we do it together? I mean you're the one that saw it," he shrugged, pulling into the underground parking lot of his apartment. It was a lot for Evan to have to do on his own, and having both of us there would cushion the blow.

I ended up agreeing, seeing as I was the one that saw it happen, I could explain what I saw first hand. As hard as it would be.

"That's fucking heart breaking," Evan said, finally turning the car off and stepping out of his car. I followed, taking the handle of my suitcase from him as he hauled it out of the boot. He held my tote over his shoulder, his empty hand reaching out to hold mine.

"I know, they've been together for almost 3 years, and it was happening while I was seeing Austin, and in my bed? And she has the nerve to be angry at me?" Although I didn't care much for Austin the way that he wanted me to and we were never together, I couldn't help but feel slightly guilty for doing something similar with Evan.

"Are we just as bad?" I asked Evan, speaking my thoughts out loud.

We were in the elevator now, and Evan just looked at me like I was crazy, but not in a condescending way.

"No Lex, it's completely different," he reassured me, pulling me into his chest and kissing my head.

"Okay, I hate being selfish and hurting people," I confessed, as the elevator rung letting us know we were at Evan's floor.

"Sometimes you have to be," he said, as I followed him down the hallway to his front door.

I thought about it for moment. Every time I tried to do something for myself and follow my feelings, I found that I always ended up feeling bad about it, like I didn't deserve to be happy if that meant it didn't make other people happy.

I sat with Evan on the sofa, as he propped his feet up on the coffee table. I watched him, and I knew that although being with him didn't make anyone else particularly happy, it made me happy.

I rested my head on his shoulder, breathing in his scent and humming softly as he placed a kiss on my temple.

"I love you," I said softly, as his arm wrapped around my shoulder.

"I love you Alex," he replied, and it might've been the first time that I didn't care how anyone else but us felt.

2: In Your Shadow - Evan Peters Where stories live. Discover now