In the Closet

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I woke from the couch with a knocking coming from my front door. I could feel the weight of Evan still laying on my chest, his breathing heavy, his face tucked into my neck. I looked around me, seeing that we had fallen asleep on the couch last night. I reached for my phone on the coffee table and saw 2 missed calls from Austin and a message asking me if our plans were still on for today.

Panic set in as I realised it was him at the door. I shook Evan lightly, trying to wake him from his sleep. Another knock sounded through the apartment as he groaned, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me in closer.

"Evan!" I whispered, "you have to get up!"

Evan's eyes opened, and he lifted his head to look through his lashes as me sleepily. His lips were parted and his forehead scrunched in confusion, wondering why I'd woken him up so early on a Sunday.

"What time is it?" He asked, his voice raspy with sleep as he retrieved his own phone from his pocket.

"10? Shit, I was supposed to be filming at 10.30," he sat up from the sofa, scrambling around the living room for his belongings. I took my bottom lip between my teeth, as another, more harsh knock came from the front door.

"Who the fuck is that?" Evan whispered, slipping on his sneakers and tying the laces.

"I think it's Austin, you have to- you have to hide," I asked him, my voice laced with angst as I pushed him from the back and guided him into my bedroom.

My phone rung, the ringtone sharp in my ears as I got Evan to hide in my closet. He laughed as I closed the door.

"You can't be serious right now," he said through the door.

"Shut up, I'll be back," I had to quickly plan in my head what I was going to say, and how I was going to say it. It wouldn't be easy, knowing that Austin and I did have plans to go out for brunch, and I was bailing last minute. I didn't like being that person.

I brushed myself off and got to the front door, opening and seeing Austin sigh with relief.

"Are you okay? I was starting to think you were dead," he heaved, pushing passed me and coming inside. I held my breath as I followed him over to the sofa Evan and I had just been laying on. He sat down, tilting his head back and resting it on the sofa, covering his face with his hands.

"I'm fine, I'm sorry I feel really unwell, I was sleeping," I lied, sitting down next to him and placing my hand on his knee, trying to sound more convincing.

"You're not well?" He asked me, turning to look at me with his head still tilted back onto the backrest of the sofa. I nodded, a frown on my lips.

"Do you want to just stay in then? I can go pick us up something to eat?" He offered, placing his hand on top of my hand. I gave him a closed mouth smile and nodded my head. It was the best way to get him out of the apartment, with Evan hiding in my closet.

"Okay, text me what you want I'll take my car there now," he leaned forward, as if he wanted to kiss me, and I turned my head, his lips landing on my cheek. He seemed surprised by my sudden rejection, but still got up and left through the front door.

I let out a sigh of relief as he left, and retreated back to my bedroom, where Evan was still in the closet. I opened it, letting him out into my bedroom.

"Okay it's okay, you can go now," I said to him, the predicament from last night playing over in my head.

"I'll call you, okay? Please answer next time," he pleaded, grabbing onto my hands and pulling me into his chest. I wrapped my arms around him, taking in his scent as he held me close.

"Did the douchebag fuck off?" He queried, as we set foot into the living room and made our way over to the front door.

"Yes, for now, he's coming back though," I shared, as Evan turned to me with narrowed eyes.

"What the fuck for, Alex?" He asked me, standing in front of the door.

"Because, we had plans today and I bailed because I was looking after you all night," I spoke as if it was obvious, a hint of malice in my tone.

He rolled his eyes and went to open the door, turning back towards me one last time.

"Answer my calls," he asserted firmly, his hand coming up and cupping my cheek. He smiled at me with the dimples I loved so much, and leaned in to connect our lips. I couldn't get enough of this feeling, wrapping my arms around his neck and savouring every last moment of our kiss.

"I'll see you soon," he said, before leaving my apartment and heading down the hall to the elevator. I watched him as he left, his eyes now glued to his phone as he walked. When he got to the elevator, he turned and looked back at me, raising his hand in a wave and entering the elevator.

I shut the door, making my way back to the sofa and slumping down on it, almost as if I was completely exhausted from this morning.

I remembered to text Austin my order, and he arrived back at the apartment half an hour later, a brown paper bag and a cup holder in his hands.

"I saw Evan outside your apartment calling a car," he revealed as we sat down to eat. My eyes widened, I hadn't thought of the possibility that Austin would see him.

I stayed quiet as I ate.

"Was he here last night?" He asked, his voice sounded confused rather than betrayed or angry.

"Uh no, he just picked something up. He was here just after you left it was only quick, must've been how you saw him on your way out to the car," I explained, refusing to make eye contact with him.

When I looked, he was looking at me, his food untouched.

"What did he pick up?" He pried, his tone unwavering from confused.

"Something of Elliot's, I dont know it was like a jacket or something," I surprised myself with my haste ability to lie on the spot.

"Oh okay," he said, finally unwrapping his food so I know it was okay, and he'd leave it. We continued to eat in silence, until my phone buzzed, interrupting the quiet.

I looked down at my phone, to see a text from Evan.

saw ur little boyfriend outside, I know he saw me, tell him I spent the night

I quickly put my phone on the table, face down, and smiled at Austin as he turned the TV on. My heart was racing in my chest from how anxiety inducing this whole situation has been. I feel like I've gotten away with it, for now.

2: In Your Shadow - Evan Peters Where stories live. Discover now