Some Birthday

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"Do you still have that ring I gave you last Christmas?" Evan asked through the phone.

I was laying on my bed, my phone to my ear.

"Yeah, didn't you see it? I still wear it everyday," I replied, rolling off my back and bending my knees, lifting my feet up into the air.

"Well I've bought you something to match for your birthday," he said, I could sense the big smile on his face from his tone.

I groaned, covering my face with my hand.

"Evan, don't be stupid, I don't want a present," I pleaded, but I couldn't stop the smile rising on my lips.

"I know, I don't care I got you one anyway," he said.

He was on set, but on a break in his trailer. He called me to have a quick chat before he was needed again. I liked talking to him, our phone calls always made me feel brighter.

"So what are we doing for it? It's this weekend," I heard him get up from his chair, moving around his trailer.

"Um- I don't know, Dana has been planning something, she's inviting Austin Ev, no one knows still," I bit my lip in worry, nothing made me more anxious than the situation with Austin.

"Fucks sake," he started, "just tell them already, Alex, I hate doing this. Although, sneaking around with you is fun," he said.

I laughed, shaking my head in disbelief, this guy.

"I will, just, not yet, okay?" I replied.

"Okay," he said simply, as I heard his trailer door open and someone notify him that filming will start again in 5.

"I gotta go now, talk later?" He asked.

"Yeah talk later, bye Ev," I hung up the phone, putting it down next to me and taking a deep breath in.

I stared up at the ceiling, completely occupied by my own thoughts. I hadn't seen Austin much since Evan and I's date two weeks ago, but it didn't stop him from trying to plan things. My sudden change in mood was probably confusing him, and I felt so bad I was doing it.


I stood outside the club, with Dana, Elliot and Austin. Austin was by my side, his arm wrapped around my waist, smiling down at me. He reached over and adjusted the birthday crown on top of my head.

Dana bought me a crown for my birthday, and insisted that I wore it despite it being slightly embarrassing. She wouldn't have my objections, telling me that I deserved to get special birthday girl treatment. If only she knew how bad of a person I really was, stringing Austin on and hiding my relationship with my ex boyfriend.

Evan said he'd be here tonight, alone, and Austin said it was a good idea for him to spend more time with us. It made me feel worse; he had no idea what was going on.

"Hey!" I heard a call, all of us looking in the direction of the voice. Evan walked over to us, wearing a crisp white t shirt and blue denim jeans. He looked mouth-watering good, even in the simplest clothes.

He smiled at all of us, greeting Dana and Elliot first, then skipping Austin, coming over to me and wrapping his arms around me. He lifted me off the ground, spinning me around in a circle before settling me back down.

Austin looked over at us with narrowed eyes, the first time I'd seen him with a hint of jealousy on his face.

"Happy birthday Alex, you look-" Evan stepped back and held my hand, taking in my outfit, "so beautiful."

I swatted him on the chest, laughing at his compliment before Austin cleared his throat. Dana and I made eye contact. I noticed that she was narrowing her eyes at me the same way Austin just was, more in suspicion.

2: In Your Shadow - Evan Peters Where stories live. Discover now