That's Show Biz

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"Evan! Evan!" I shook him awake, not bothered by his insistent grumbling and "fuck off I'm trying to sleep".

"This is so bad Evan," I groaned, huddling into his back and trying to show him my phone screen by reaching my arm around to his face.

He opened his eyes, only slightly, and shot out of bed, scrabbling over to the pocket of his jeans that were sprawled out on the floor to fish for his own phone.

"Oh my fucking god I have like 20 missed calls," Evan looked flustered, running a hand through his bed head and cursing under his breath.

"I have to call my manager," Evan said quietly, biting down on his thumb nail as he began pacing the room.

"I mean.. I did try to tell you," I thought it might've been a bad time to tell him I was right, but, I didn't want to feel responsible for any of this.

He just laughed, moving out of the bedroom and into his living area, his phone to his ear. I heard him trying to reason with his manager, his voice calm but firm. I couldn't believe that I'd woken up to a TMZ link Lucas had sent me, that woke me up better than a cup of coffee.

"Okay I have to go, I'm sorry, my manager has set up a meeting," Evan pulled on his jeans, tearing open a drawer and picking out a plain t-shirt.

"Evan-" I didn't know what to say, it wasn't my career that was being impacted by these paparazzi photos, "it'll be okay," I tried to comfort him.

He sat down next to me on the bed, leaning in and giving me a quick kiss before getting up again.

"I'll see you later, just ignore it," he muttered, disappearing back into the living room and leaving through his front door. I sat in his bed, totally at a loss of what to do.

My phone stayed open next to me, the grainy photos of "rising star Evan Peters and his new girlfriend" having sex against his apartment window staring back at me.

I couldn't call Dana, the wounds were still fresh and if Lucas had seen the article, I'm sure she had to. I got up, moving towards the window and hesitating whether I should look out. I didn't, instead making myself a cup of coffee, and sitting in front of the TV.


Evan returned an hour later, not in a noticeably better or worse mood. He sat down next to me on the couch, without a word, still on his phone.

"How'd it go?" I asked, biting down on my bottom lip waiting for a response.

He put his phone down, sighing and turning his body to face me.

"My manager says I fucked up- but- that any publicity is good publicity and now maybe more people will watch the show," Evan explained, letting out a small laugh, "there isn't anything online about your identity, but I'm sure if we keep seeing each-other it'll get out that it was you- I don't want it to affect your life."

I wasn't sure what he was trying to say; if he had my best interests at heart and was suggesting we didn't see each other.

"I don't think us not seeing each-other is the only solution," I started, taking a deep breath, "maybe we just have to keep it on the down low until this whole thing blows over."

"That's probably more sensible," he nodded, agreeing with me, "I've only just got you back, I don't want this to ruin our relationship."

Evan grabbed onto my hands, holding them in his. He looked concerned, like he wasn't sure what I was thinking.

"I'm not going anywhere," I said firmly, "I start uni next week, I'll have to go back to the apartment eventually.. this is just not a good time is it?" I laughed in disbelief, feeling like it was always just one thing after another.

"It'll be okay, Alex, we'll get through this. You can stay here, you know? Take my car to uni, I'm sure you won't get harassed by anyone," he offered, pulling me into his lap and laying his head on my shoulder.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning down and leaving a kiss on his temple.

"I have to make things right Evan, Dana is still my best friend. But, I'll stay here a couple days, I'll grab some stuff when I know they're not there and then.. I'll sort it from there. If that's okay with you?" I made a plan, hoping that if I put it off a little longer, and had more time to think of what I was going to say, it'll be easier when the time comes.

"Of course baby," he uttered, kissing the corner of my mouth and hugging me close.

We sat in silence, his head rested in my chest and listening to my heart beat. I closed my eyes, my mind racing at 100 miles per hour, trying to coordinate my next few days.

"As for me, I don't have socials, so, I'll just fall off the radar in a few days like you said, it won't be that bad, this shit happens all the time in Hollywood," Evan was optimistic, a smile on his face as he looked up at me.

"That's right baby, that's show biz, just- we might stay away from the windows from now on?" I let out a small laugh, Evan nodding in agreement, laughing along with me.

"Yeah that was a bad idea, you were right. But in the moment though, it was the best thing ever," he bit down on my bottom lip, my bottom wriggling in his lap as he said it. I couldn't help but giggle, as he stood up with me in his arms.

"Back to bed we go, you woke me up too early," he kissed my head, carrying me back to his bedroom and laying me down on his bed. He cuddled up next to me, resting his head on my chest and wrapping his strong arms around my waist.

"We'll get through this," he whispered, my fingers gently combing through his short hair, his eyes fluttered closed.

"I know we will," I replied, relaxing in his arms.

2: In Your Shadow - Evan Peters Where stories live. Discover now