Introduction Part 2

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• Knock Knock* being surprised by the knock I pulled away from the jaguar,getting up from the ground, feeling my cheeks that are burning from what happened a moment ago taking a breath to open the door to see my best friend

" Hi It's been two hours already " kissing each other in the cheek as I let her in my room to see a boy behind her with black ears on top of his head, brown hair and eyes , in a deep voice " Hello Miss Cho, I'm Gadueghan" Putting his hand out to shake mine,

" Hello Gadueghan you don't have to be formal you can call me Y-" rising my hand to shake his but my hand being shoved back to my side

" Stand away from my Master" my hybrid standed in front of me blocking me entirely from Gadueghan that I couldn't even see him, Not knowing which hybrid is blocking me until I looked up at his ear, they were white and only one of my seven hybrids has a white spot on top of it's head, My Cougar, Jimin, Not wanting the scene to end up as a fight , I do the first thing that pops into my head, carefully bring my hand up to start running my fingers through his hair

" Ssshh calm down kitty , he doesn't mean no harm shhh calm down, that's a good kitty" slowly bring the cougar into my arm calming him down. When he finally relaxed in my arm releasing his owns purrs I know it's safe for Gadueghan to come inside and sit beside his owner

" Please Come in and Sit"

Ji-hyun opens her arms so that Gadueghan can run into them, sitting himself on the floor , shoving his head in her lap. Seeing the hot gazes that my hybrids are sending to the poor hybrid, seeing the bed is somewhat close to the dining table but far enough to not touch any one of the owners

" So how about I introduce mine from the bed and yours from table" slowly bring the cougar in my arms to sit on the bed, wrapping his arms around my body, sitting on the bed he shoves his head in my lap, before fulling laying down on the bed. Feeling the bed lump go down from the extra weight, my bear sitting behind me, pulling me to his chest laying his head on top of mine, my tiger laying his head on my lap sharing it with my cougar taking my hand to run through his hair too ' How is their hair so soft' the purrs getting louder from the two hybrids, my wolf and lion sitting on the floor snuggling my feet. Not seeing my jaguar and cheetah turning around to see my jaguar in his animal form laying on top of the tiger and the cheetah doing the same to the cougar. All laying down together but never taking their eyes off the hyena , ' Ok I guess i'll introduce them myself'

" Ji-hyun this is Namjoon the wolf, Hoseok the lion, Taehyung the tiger, Yoongi the jaguar the one laying on the taehyung , Jimin the cougar, Jungkook the cheetah and." Taking a moment to think ' Honey bear, Baby bear, Jin, Jinnie' " And Jin the Bear, and guys this is Ji-hyun my best friend, Guys Ji-hyun, Ji-hyun Guys" you can hear some grumbling coming from the boys

awkwardly putting her hand up to wavy" Okay, Hello guys I'm Ji-hyun and this in my lap is my hybrid Gadueghan, he's a hyena hybrid and he already know you Y/N" Ji-hyun

" Yes I do know him too and please do call me Y/N" Gadueghan sending me a nod looking into my best friends eyes, Having our own conversation without words

" The is awkward what should we do" Ji-hyun

" I don't know, play a game"

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