How Can You Do This To Me ?

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" You truly are beautiful and you are all ours Master"

His irresistible stare catching a smirk on his face as his cat eyes are tempting me to not stop, my eyes stopping themselves from closing, my breathe being catched in my throat,my nails digging into my chairs arms, the silent cold air creating chills running up my legs when jimin and hoseok had freed my legs from my heels and pants, my legs soon to be covered with kisses jimin on my right and hoseok on my left, kisses starting from the heel of my foot to my knee to my thighs, my arms being grabbed, Jungkook grabbing my right while Jin was grabbing my left being showed the same love as my legs, my neck and shoulders being attacked of small bites and kisses from Taehyung on my left and Namjoon on my right, a pointing finger pulling my chin up my eyes coming in contact to the same cat eyes full of the same lust

" Say it Master" Yoongi saying it in gentle voice

" What" panting the word that was so hard to form, my eyes begging to move or do something but my hybrids pulled back everytime I tried take one on my body parts back

" Say you love US" Yoongi

" That you accept both sides of us" Taehyung growling in my ear, my mind going berserk,my toes curling as Jimin had moved my underwear, sliding a finger through my wet folds, my head being yanked back as Namjoon digged his fingers in my waist level hair

" Say it" Yoongi the gentleness in his voice was long gone as he demanded I say it

Moaning as Jimin slides another finger in my fold, then another until he finally slides his tongue, my mind going crazy as I moan-shout, " You don't have to do this, I love you, I love you all, and I have always accept both sides of you that I have fallen in love with them too because you guys are one." when I was done I hadn't notice they stopped, they all stopped,looking at them as they surrounded me, all seven having one eye dark as night and the other brown as the earth we walk on

Looking at my hybrids in front of me still future questions of ' what ifs ' exhaling as I say " Boys the day I got you at that auction, I knew then and there that you were mine and that I would love and accept you, both sides of you, so please treat this place as your home, relax, feel free, because I'll make sure that no one will take that away from you, choose the way you want to act playful, cheerful, demanding or obedient you choose how you want to be that day, I beg you," sliding myself off the chair, bowing my head as I sit in full submission mode

my eye meeting the floor as feet make there way into my vision,a hand resting itself on top of my head, petting me, " You are such a good girl" placing his other hand under my chin making me meet his eyes but knowing full well  I can't until he  gives me his permission. A lecherous smile gracing his face as he doesn't feel my eyes not meeting his until I get the permission of my Master

" Master not only are we yours but you are also ours" Taehyung

Jungkook coming to me from the right side of me, wrapping his hands around me as he picks me up, my legs wrapping around his waist , laying my head on his shoulder as he starts walking up stairs to the second floor to last door the six following forming a line behind as we all enter my room, Jungkook laying me in the middle of bed as all seven laid themselves down four on my right and three on my left, cuddling as we let the warm embrace of having each other so close as sleep called upon us

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