Who Are You?

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(This Is for the readers that have already read this part, I deleted this chapter because I felt like I could've done better, SO there were some changes to this chapter, I really do you like the changes into story better, because I did and for the readers that haven't have a good reading day or night)


whipping my heads towards her as I stand right in front of her face" What did just you say"A gleamy smirk finds its way on her face" You heard me Y/N he was supposed to die today in that ring but because of you being a such a coward you didn't let that happen, you always mess everything up." Britteny

" After that,repeat what you said"

" Oh that that's what he wanted," giggling as she nods her head," deal with it Lil Sister he doesn't love anymore" Britteny

" I don't give two shits about him he could go to hell for all I care," a smirk rising on my lips as I say " Be a good dog and tell him the moment he messes with my hybrids is the day he loses everything he loves and he'll be the one who's going to come to me begging cause I'll have him on his knees, Sis"

Being proud of myself as I turn around and start walking away from Brittany

" Who are you calling a 'Dog'" Brittany Says as she throws her hand forward, her nails clutching around my hair feeling my scalp on fire as she yanks me back, my body crashing with her, growls being hear from behind me

" Stay" I yell at my hybrids as their body pauses, their body burning with rage

Digging my nails into her hair as I start pushing her making her body come in contact with the gate, sending both our bodies flying back as I whip myself landing on top of Brittany, sitting myself on her as I tighten my grip of her hair, picking up her head as I slam it on the ground, making her lose her grip on me " Sis I don't know why you hate me so much but this has been coming to you from a long time " Standing up as I walk over Brittany walking towards my Hybrids and laughing at Ji-hyun's eyes that are laughing with joy " You finally beat her up," looking behind me as she somewhat nods "well kind but that's a start" Ji-hyun walks confidently towards me, wrapping her arms around me as she's as she smiles, putting her hands on both of my cheeks as she does a baby face and talks in a baby voice " I am proud of chu"

" Thank you Ji-hyun I feel better too"

Walking with Ji-hyun as we walk up to my hybrids with eyes full of worry

" Master does your head hurt" Jin says as he slowly raises his hand laying it on the back of my head

" Do you want me to rub your head better Master " Taehyung and Jimin

" Do you want me to beat up her hybrid for you" Yoongi says as his arms are still wrapped around Jungkook, eyes full of rage

" NO I'm good thank you I just want to lay down"

Walking out of the cage as the seven of us are leaving as two hybrids stayed behind

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