Home Sweet Home

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Opening my eyes, my heart contect when I look at both sides of me seeing my hybrids still surrounding me, my body and soul so at peace that I have them this close, not letting myself remember that they have changed, that they changed themselves, knowing that the moment I get up they will submit to me, always putting me first. Giving me full control over them and I have to accept that they wanted to put themselves in that mind space, that they are doing this because of Me.

Letting them rest for a little while longer, knowing that they'll be hungry when they awake,taking in a long breathe, their ears shooting up at my long breathe, opening their eyes as some make eye contact with me, seeing that I'm awake they all rush off the bed and sit a submission position, surrounding the bed I have not gotten up from

Always greet your Master

"Good morning Master did you sleep well ?"

Always be worried about your Master's well being, They will always be your first priority

Putting a smile on my face as they all ask me the same question, rising myself from my bed as I'm withstanding the pain from all over my body, screaming at me to stay on the bed and rest but I can't show them that they hurt me because I want them out of that mindset I want them to act like they always acted around me, I love how comfortable they had got, How they smiled so freely around me, yes even when they flirted with me,But now with the scratches they left on my body had made them so tense and serious around me I feel like the hybrids surrounding me are strangers but they are my hybrids that I've come to love since the moment I laid my eyes on them.

" I've slept very well thank you for asking" the smile still plastered on my face as I steadily get off my bed and walk into the kitchen, thinking of making something simple for their last night here for when I take them home with me, I really do hope they do like their new forever home and they wish it to be, finally deciding to soup with rice, filled with meat and vegetables, when I was done making it, grabbing a single bowl from the cabinets as I spoon feed all my seven hybrids Taehyung being the first because he was the farthest from me to Jin who was the closest. After everyone has ate their breakfast, My phone creating a ding informing me that I have received a message. picking it up from the dresser as it was a text from Luca telling me he was outside waiting.

A smile that showed my teeth as I sat on the floor in front of my hybrids

" Boys It's time for us to leave this place and Go Home"

Home a word that sounded so foreign to the boys, they never knew what a home felt like, what their home looked liked, hearing their Master wanting to take them home with her sounded like a beautiful dream that was going to become a reality for them, their tails wanging with happiness, their smiles so beautiful, their eyes full of love for their Master, their voices being so contect as they talked to each other in mindlink

"She is taking us home" Namjoon

"Home" Yoongi

"Home what a weird but perfect word" Jin

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