Is It A Dream ?

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Remember boys to be the perfect hybrids for your to be soon Master you have to follow these rules

- Never say No to your Master

- Don't ever talk back to your Master

- Don't ever speak your mind your Master doesn't want to hear it

- Don't talk Over your Master

- Don't interrupt your Master

- Don't ever question your Master, they will always know what is best for you

- Your Master is always Right

- And above all only your Master can let your other side out

Entering the room and seeing them in full submission broke my heart, why did they do it, why are they always putting me first, standing tall, if they are falling in submission mode i'll have to be careful to show them I'm not hurt, that I'm not in pain or else they will go haywire and stay like this, before approaching them, I hold in the whimpers that want to leave my mouth, trying to control my body from dropping as I walk to the kitchen to made them something to eat knowing they haven't ate in four days. Making something simple as I walk to the first hybrid at the beginning of the line, pushing a plate of food Ji-hyun had left for him to eat,sitting myself in front of him as I get a spoonful lifting it up to his mouth, his mouth not moving to open as I order " Eat Namjoon" hearing the order in her words, opening his mouth as his Master spoon feed him until his plate was empty. putting the spoon back on the plate as I praise him" Good boy" letting him know that he did good and will not get punished, Getting up from the floor as I take the spoon back into the sink as I take the foil off the pan putting more food on to the plate, getting a new spoon as I walk back to the hybrid line as I walk to the second hybrid, sitting myself down as I again order the hybrid in front of me to eat " Open your mouth and eat Jin" again opening his mouth as I spoon feed him until there is nothing left, Then I feed Taehyung, then Hoseok, then Jimin, them Yoongi, and lastly Jungkook, everytime one finished I would praise them letting know that they'll not be punished. My arms become more sore with each hybrids I was feeding, my legs getting tired each time I would go and get more food, standing up from my spot in front of Jungkook walking to the drawers taking out their clothes " Boys it's time for you to take your showers" one by one the boys would get up with tired legs and get their clothes from my hands and take a shower and when all were done I ordered them to go bed, none of them saying anything being as silent as if their were just shadows never letting me know that their in pain as the laid on their bed, grabbing my clothes as I slowly walk into the bathroom taking a deep breathe as I start removing my clothes, my pants became the hardest to take off with each time I tried to move my pants past my thighs feeling the sting each time I tried, a whimper coming out of my mouth as I slamming my hand on my mouth hoping they didn't hear it, putting my ear on the door as I try hear a sound, but none not even their snores, knowing that they'll hear me again if I don't hurry and take these damn pants of , grabbing a towel from behind me, rolling it up, putting it in my mouth taking a deep breath as I grab the handle of my pants as I'm ripping it off my thighs letting them seat at my feet, trying to control my tears as I take off my shirt the gashes on my arms and back becoming to unbearable as I take if off throwing it on the floor, throwing my pants with it, turning on the warm water as I slowly climb in the tumb, warm water hitting my gashes feeling it burn the longer I stayed under the shower head, no longer being able to handle the pain as I wrap a towel around my body, climbing out of the tub, looking as my clothes that are laid in front of me not really wanting to put them on, grabbing my shirt as I put my head through the big hole my arms steadily going through the small holes, grabbing my short as I letting my gashes breathe slipping my short on, putting my black robe on, opening the door to see my hybrids sitting on their knees their eyes only on me as I walk out of the restroom, their eyes never disconnecting from mine as I make my way to my bed and lay down

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