Let's drive

429 26 3

 Tae PO

After my Jayia's sister left, I could feel the stress slowly leaving her, caressing her leg with my cheek as the rest of the stress left her

Seeing Master so worked up by that woman did not sit right by me and hyung, that woman is looking for trouble that i will not tolerate 

"Should we claw out her eyes and give it to Master as a present" V purrs

That may be a good idea but it's still too much for Master right now

But for now, pushing up the skirt Master wore showing off her creaming delicious skin placing my lips with the top of her thigh, where his trail marks of his claws covering the outer thigh and inner thigh

" Taehyung" I love when she says my name

" I'm sorry Jayia I just couldn't help myself" I smirk


Reaching into my bag, fishing out my phone, dialing home

Not a ring later a voice answers, " Sunshine, are you missing me already." 

" Always"

Hearing a chuckle across the line as I continue, " Hobi, I'm calling to tell you we're eating home today. We appear to have two guest coming over to our home today, So please tell Jin he'll be feeding two more mouths."

Somewhere in the background, " On it cub, hurry on and get home, I'll be waiting for you." Jin

Pulling the phone back to his ear, "But Sunshine how will you get home, Luca is here with us" Hobi

" Hobi can you tell Luca to take the day off, I will be driving us home."

" Anything you say Baby, I'll tell him." his voice going down an octave, a spark traveling down to the middle of my thighs

In a shallow breath I say " Okay, see you when I get home"

" I'll will be waiting with opening arms" and with that he hung up

My eyes traveling to the two kneeled in front of my desk with their eyes to the ground and the two hybrids that are watching my every move, ears on top of their heads pointed at their surrounding as well as me, leaning over my chair placing my lips on Tae's forehead, purrs singing out of him, his eyes soften as he looks at mine, staying a second longer as i move to Namjoon's forehead, he's head already near my lips , silently waiting for his turn, dimples gracing my vision as I kiss his forehead softly he's eyes close as I do

Standing from my seat slowly walking to stand in front of my desk,  " May I know your names" my voice low but know with their hearing every single hybrid in this room can hear me

" I am Jong-dae"  by the way his ear look similar to Tae's tiger, the same tiger that fought with my cheetah, I remember his eyes filled by fear of rejection and abandoned, but the hybrid next to him is not familiar to me

"I am Ri" I don't remember him much, his eyes and ears were always down being oblivious to the world around him

" May I ask what type of animal you are Ri" 

" I am a Bear Ma'ma"  he's head still down

"Please call me Y/N, that is how I would like for you to adress me"

" Yes Y/n" they both say

" Please stand  we will be going home." the warmth of my two hybrids taking my hands into theirs, pushing the door open as I say my goodbyes to Ava, taking a look behind me to see Ri and Jong-dae walking behind Tae and Joon, entering the elevator, pressing the bottom to my personal basement

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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