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Waking up from the snooze from my alarm, rising from my bed, seeing a shadow from the corner of my eye whipping my head , seeing from the side of my bed five out of seven of my hybrids, sitting on the floor surrounding my bed on their knees in full submission

" Master did you sleep well ?" all the while looking down at the floor

'This is creepy THEY ALL SAID IT AT THE SAME TIME' screaming in my head, taking in a deep breath in 'calm down Y/N'

" Umm... Yes i did, thank you" 'What the hell is happening, didn't I just leave them in their room to sleep'

" Master when you are ready, your food is waiting for you" Jimin

staying sitting on the cold floor not moving a single muscle , after the torture of silence filling the room, finally someone speaks

" Are we excused Master ?" Hoseok

Being confused excused for what Ahhh to leave, hitting my head for being so stupid

" Yes you are excused to leave, Thank You"

All of them bowed, head touching the ground, then slowly getting up to leave like nothing, as if that was the most normal thing to do in the morning

Being creeped out on the new welcoming to the morning will be, they never done this before,it will get a while to get used to their new changed selves. Going into the bathroom, doing all the necessities, getting out with just a towel as I walk into my personal walk-in closet that I have missed so much


Walking down the stairs and into the dining room, to have a seat at the my dining table ,seeing one of my hybrids bring me my food instead of one of my maids

" Please enjoy Master" Jin

Thanking Jin for giving me my food, ready to dig in as I pick my head up from my plate to see a very empty dining table to my hybrid that is just standing alongside the table head down, eyes on the floor.

" Jin where are the others" jin's head rising but making sure to not make eye contact with me, but giving his Master his undivided attention

" They are behind you Master"Jin

Turning around and true to his words I see my reminding six, sitting on the floor in a straight line with their heads down, hands on their laps, remaining as if they were statues. Not making a single sound that if i haven't asked Jin where they were I wouldn't have ever guessed they were behind me from how quiet they were

" Why aren't you guys sitting at the table? " that being said Jin's eyes sprung out and gasped were heard from behind me, he started to kneel in front of me with hands on the floor, putting his head in the center of them

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