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" You are all the most welcome"

The rest of the car ride was filled with silence, but I welcomed this silence, it was full of a mental torture

'What if I scared them away' my mind filled with panic

' What if they are scared of me' my body filled with worry, my body stone cold as they stare at me

' Do I look crazy' my eyes looking out the window that is showing me the outside world

' Why do their eyes scream fear, is their fear pointed at me' tightening my hold around my black dress as I am using it as a shield,

' Great Y/N you made them scared, why couldn't you just have hold it in, but NO you went full stadists on their asses'

" Because your my good girl" his voice, that voice, my eyes become unfocused, the memories of him flood my mind

" You were always so good for me" goosebumps invaded my body from the reminder of him, ' he made me like this, it was what I've always known, and he made sure of that, that every single reminder of myself he filled and remade, remade me of what he wanted me to become, he was my everything, he was what I've breathed in everyday, the taste of him, the taste of his liquor-tongue, his hands that filled my body with his marks, he was my Creator.'

My unfocused eyes, finally, finally made a picture of the outside world, the alive trees, the people that were alive, my reflection staring back at me,but who I saw didn't feel like myself it was the little scared girl who hid from her monster, who screamed for someone to save her, many time she tried different methods to leave him but each time was more worse than the last, that she stopped trying and just gave into the world of a doll' No, no ,nooooo' the sound of one of her hybrids distress, completely making her forget of what she was thinking of, but my body still rigid as she turned to look at her tiger

" Master what's going to happen to you" Taehyung

The panic in my voice didn't go unnoticed by my hybrids " What do you mean" the panic in their eyes didn't go unnoticed by their Master

Taking a second to finally process his question for real this time, he had asked ' What's going to happen to you' not 'What had happen to you' my muscles started to relax, sitting in a straight posture, looking him in the eyes, a smirk, my eyes playful as I said " Nothing" their rigid bodys, slowly, very slowly started to relax

Aww the fear in their eyes wasn't pointed at her but was for her, the fear of their Master getting harmed or being taken away from them

" But Master you ripped his ear clean off" Namjoon

" Yes in front of many people" Jin, whom both were seating at the edge of their seats, eyes wide as saucers

the playfulness still seen in my eyes as I answer them," I did do that,didn't I but the thing is I come from a status of people that need to be respected and feared of because my family is not someone to mess with, my family comes from old money, my last name Cho goes back centuries and it always had the effected of making people coward to just even hearing it, But I am different from my family, I am much more dangerous, more intelligent, more scary, more respected and above all I am very patient,I may look like I couldn't hurt a fly but I have the knowledge and strength to take down a full grown man's empire"

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