The Fight Part 4

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Turning around at the call of his Master" Jungkook have you made your decision about today's fight" looking him in the eyes giving him my undivided attention

in a proud voice he say" Master I do want to fight" taking his words in as I had hoped he would have said no, letting a puff of air " Okay" turning around to walk away but stopping when my cheetah asks me a question

"Master may we ask you a question" turning around to look at my cheetah whos left eye was completely black as his right eye was showing his brown iris , it was normal " when you say we do you mean you and Kookie" a smile appearing on his face as he nods very furiously looking like a child whos mom said yes to getting them their favorite toy " Okay Jungkook and Kookie what would you guys want to ask me" his smiling face turned into a very serious one, taking two step closer to me his hand making its way to my cheek making butterflies in my stomach

"Master would it give you pleasure if I get hurt or if I hurt him"

" What do you mean ' if you get hurt or if you hurt him" sending him a confused face as I tilt my head to the side and my eyebrows coming together

A soft smile appeared on his face, but not a full smile as he says" What we mean is do you want me to lose or do you want me to win"

putting my hands on top of his " why would you ask me such a thing when you know what the outcomes are whether you win or you lose it either you get yourself killed or you kill him I can't decided that." bring his other hand to connect with my other cheek as he looks wholly at me, full with so much admiration

" Master if you ask me right now to kill him I'll do it, I'll do it without blinking and if you tell me to get myself killed, if that'll make you happy to make you smile I'll do it." taking my hands off him to put them on his cheeks

" Why would you do such a thing why give me your devotion ,is it just because I have the title as your Master" taking two more steps closer to me as he connects our foreheads together

" Oh Y/N it's not just because your my Master it's because your MINE and I'll do anything to keep what's mine happy" wrapping one of his arms around my waist as he bring me closer, my chest pushing against his

" Tell me your decision when you've made up your mind" saying in most softed voice as he press his lips on my frontal. lowering his head to connect his lips with my cheek before taking three steps away from me bring his hands to his sides looking at Kookie and Jungkook smiling as they walk away



Seeing the claw last minute as it was coming straight to his face not moving in time feeling the sting of his skin being opened


Drips off blood running down the cheetah's face , a cut being formed under his left eye, the smug smirk of Jongdae his pride running high as the blood drips from his opponent. Blood dripping from the cheetah's face as the six hybrids behind the other side of the cage their anger coming in spikes, growls of anger coming for the six oldest eyes only on the the person who made their baby bleed

" I'll Kill him" Hoseok, the lion ready to show this tiger why his animal is the king and what happens when you touch a king's stuff without permission

" He's died" Jimin, eyes only watching the tiger in cage with so much hatred

" He'll feel my wrath" Jin, grabbing the cage in front of him as he watches his baby

" I'll make him pay for touching what's mine" Yoongi, mind running wild, creating many ways to make this tiger pay

" I'm going to have my fun with you" Taehyung, a smile reaching his face full with everything but not an ounces of forgiveness

Their leader dragon eyes burning with fire waiting for his flames to touch the man that made his baby bleed

the blood running down his nose Spitting the blood out of his mouth as he watches jungkook get distracted with his blood that runs down his face, Jongdae smirking as he attacks Jungkook sending two punches at his face as he jumps in the air sending his foot straight into Jungkook  making Jungkook lose his balance completely as his body slams on the floor. Yelling of the men surrounding the ring, money and numbers being thrown

Spotting the blood on his face and hand, watching as the tiger slammed my cheetah to the ground started attacking him, not missing a beat as he was sending punches left and right all only aim at my cheetah, my hands tightening around the white towel, my eyes eyeing the six hybrids next to me watching the same thing I am seeing, them fighting to stay sane or fully turn savage, hearing the angering growls of the six men that want to attack that one person in that ring. Their eyes not moving from the boy that is taking a beating, his blood staining the ground. My mind running wild , " He's going to die, that can't happen, what should I do, WHAT SHOUL-" a memory coming in my head

" WIN" I scream at the top of my lungs, Knowing he can hear, " JUNGKOOK I WANT YOU TO WIN"


Hello Loves.

I'm sorry this chapter took a really long time to post but I did want it to be perfect as it can be for it to be read, I do hope you guys somewhat like it and do please write some comment on what you think of it , and thank you for waiting this long for it



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