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( This happened before Y/N woke up from the hospital)

Ji-hyun's POV

It happened all to fast....The Anger, The Fear..........The Worry

Gadguehan running out the door trembling with fear

Five raging hybrids running out the door after him

A Y/N that didn't want the past to repeat itself as she ran away from the two heart broken hybrids to my scared little one

When my mind had finally processed what was happening as I ran out the door, following the clues that were left behind, chairs broken, the angering growls ripping through the hallways, a once grand door now looks like it had gotten murdered with the nasty hole it had through it, I came into the scene the moment Y/N had thrown herself to protect my hybrid, their claws ripping her skin open, blood soaking her clothes, the scary monsters looked like their were in a trance, a trance that only hate can break them but it was hate that broken, it was............ Worry

" Y/N" I screamed at the top of my lungs, breaking the trance of the anger hybrids, their eyes dumbfounded as their black eyes soon turned brown, knowing that this side is no longer their savage side, pushing them out of my way as I get to my best friend, her body giving out from exhaustion her body instantly falling on to mine, tears well up my eyes, " NO, Y/N" with rushing hands I take out my phone, calling my driver that he has five minutes to get here and bring the car, throwing my phone somewhere in room as I try to start to move Y/N as I ask for help from Gadguehan, growls are coming from behind me at the moving of their Master

" Leave her Alone your hurting her" turning to have seen all the boys have changed back in their human forms, now completely naked, turning away at the fact " Hoseok I'll be taking her, even if you don't like it" at my wordering Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung had moved Gadguehan away from their Master and started taking their Master into their hands, getting her away from me" No, No, you will not take her from us, we will get her better, we will take care of her, you will not take her away from me" tears falling from Taehyung's eyes at the idea of someone wanting to take his Master far away from him, making him hold her tighter, " I'll bring her back I promise later, but right now she needs to go to the hospital." Looking into my eyes seeing that i'm half lying he doesn't let her go

Seeing the determination in their eyes, nodding my head as I put up my phone that Gadguehan picked up for me, plan B it is, seconds later my guards come storming in surrounding the room just waiting for my word, the fear in all of the hybrids eyes as now seven were surrounding their Master in the center of all the guards, trying to reason with them one last time, " Boys, she'll come back, I don't want to do this, but she needs a Hospital, she's bleeding to much, she could die" I saying pointing at the pool of blood that has came out of Y/N, All of them are looking at me but only one speaks, " We'll make her better" a sigh leaving my lips when the alpha said his promise, lifting my chin towards them as I say " Get them away from her" My orders instantly taking effect, the guards stomping towards the group of hybrids with no fear, whimpers leaving the babies mouths but nasty growls left the oldest, remembering how guards would beat them, shame them, cut them, not wanting that for their pack as the four oldest shielded the four babies, a guard pushing a bottom expecting the hybrids to fall in pain due to the suffocation of their collars fear rushing through their bodies when they see none of those hybrids having those collars around their necks,a smirk rising in oldest faces, eyes determined of their Master staying at their side, the guards creating a double circle around them as they all tried to take the oldest first, their hands turning into claws with each step closer they gotten to their pack soon all the guards and hybrids attacked each other, blood coming from both side, but the four never faulting to protect their own, until a group of guards entering with sticks that shooted with sparks of electricity, pointing it at their necks making them lose their strength, the electricity traveling through their body as slowly with every shock they were going down, soon to start separating the three young from their master as soon their legs were kicking the floor, their hands flying to try to scratch the person who is taking them away from their Master to also be shock to stay away from her

Finally running towards a bleeding Y/N telling some of her guards to help her put her in the car, " Take them to their room, boys she'll come back" knowing her best friend so well she knew she will come back for them, 

Pack's POV

the Guards stopping their torture to the hybrids as they laid as if their were lifeless, guards putting them up as they start dragging them to their room, laying them all around the room after to close the door and leave them in a dark room with one ray of light shining through, for what seemed like hours later, the grunts leaving them as they start moving trying to get closer to each other, getting close enough to relax at the touch of their pack mates

" Namjoon what are we going to do" Jin the worry in his tone mixed with grunts full with pain

" Would Master still want us, even after..." Jungkook being scared of the possibility of their Master no longer wanting them, after what they did

" We could go back to the old ways, Maybe that'll make her want to keep us" Hoseok

Namjoon thinking the idea could save them, he didn't care if he had degrade himself for his Master

" But what if she doesn't want that" Jimin remembering how their Master took off their hurtful collars the moment she saw them, if she really wanted them to be like that why would she take those collars off

" I don't think she wants us to be like that" Jimin

" But we also didn't give her a chose, we got too comfortable too soon" Taehyung reasoning with his mate

" She could be scared of us now" Yoongi who was the quiets of all just wanting to stay in the safety to his pack mates but missing his Master terribly

" No, No she said she wouldn't , she told me she wouldn't even after seeing my other side" Jimin saying in a panicking voice

" Yes but you were in a somewhat control, We Lost Control Completely" Yoongi, his voice getting angrier with every second that passed

" Let's take a vote ' The Old ways' YES or NO" Namjoon

" Yes" Yoongi

" Yes" Jungkook

" Yes" Hoseok"

" Fine" Jin, still unsure of this idea

" Yes" Taehyung

"Yes" Namjoon

Jimin who is unsure, Master wouldn't want this he said in head

" I don't want to lost her Jimin" JM

Not wanting to lose his Master the very idea terrified him 

" Yes"


Surprise, Surprise Loves

I gave you another chapter, I was writing and writing and I couldn't wait to upload it, so here it is, thank you for all the love, truly thank you, I am getting ideas for the next chapter

But I don't know when I'm going to write it or upload it, so maybe it will take a while 

SO with that



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