You Are Not Forgiven

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" You're Dead" Jay




The seven hybrids stand bewildered as they detect the smell of blood but not just any blood, their Master' blood. Hearing their Master cry out in pain as she leaps over to the sink as she pushes the three hybrids out of her way and turns on the flauct as they stand there and stare as the blood mixing with the water

Gadgeuhan chasing after her wanting to show her his deepest apologizes but instantly a border made of three angry hybrids preventing him from taking one more step closer to their Master

" Step away from my Master" JM and V as they hiss at the hyena, their eyes becoming brown and black, black slowly winning

" If you value your life I suggest you start walking away from My Master" Hoseok saying in a calm threat

Feeling the anger and threat as the hyena starts bowing his heads showing them he's not a threat but the act seem meaningless as he did not move from the spot he was frozen on, Only angerying the seven hybrids more. Watching as the two black eyes and one brown eyed not taking their eyes off the frozen hyena as the the two young completely lost control of their sane side transforming in their beast form. Their beast form gave their animals become double their size. Clothes being shredded, bones breaking, growls become more vengeful. lowering their body as they're ready to attack but being stopped by the lion's hands that shooted out to stop them

' Wait' Jay

' He hurt Master' V

' He'll not be forgiven' JM

' You'll do as your told now wait and don't make me repeat myself' Jay growling will anger

The Hyena being petrified in his place but hearing the scared call of his Master not being able to reject her call as his legs unknowingly started to walk back crashing into a wall, taking his eyes off the angry hybrids turning around to face the wall finding out that he didn't crash into a wall he crashed into a an angry wolf's chest, rising his head as he meet the wolf's eyes as their shuddering from black and brown, not taking his eyes off the hyena as he speaks

" You did not heed to my warning" voice changing from Namjoon to RM, seeing the fear in the hyena's eyes as he spoke giving the wolf such a thrill of a chase, growling as he says " Get Master somewhere safe" saying it to no one in particular

" What's Happening here " In a split second Seokjin and Jay are at their Master's side as they share her weight one carry her upper body and one grabbing legs " What are you doing let me go" as Y/N so confused as to why they are carry her out of the Kitchen and into the living room, not hearing the whole conversation that was happening behind her

" Master he hurt you and now he will be punished" Seokjin

" What do you mean punished"

" He'll have to pay it with his life"Jay says it in such a cold tone

Coming into the realization that their going to kill them as you start trying to kick your legs trying to make them let go of you " Let me go now" you yell at your Hybrids as they ignore you and keep walking with your struggling body as you kick but pausing your movements at the pertrifieding scream that traveled throughout the house

" RUN" Ji-hyun yelled screaming bloody murder as her hyena started running towards the door and into the hallway like his life depended on it and in this very moment it did, the slamming of the door creating a crack on the wall, seconds later five different hybrids bolt towards the door, the wolf being the first one out in the hallway, The hyena runs through empty hallways, once knowing them as different hallways now them looking all the same, yells coming from the auction room, growls coming from behind him as he bolts faster to any door trying to open them, after try and try again a door with golden handels and golden designs opened, the hyena rushing in as he locks the door behind him, putting his ear one the door using his super hearing to locate where were those monsters that were after him were, his body flying away from the pounding of the door, his fear coming out in gallons,

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